Chapter 9- Night Four

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Text message to all AEs:

Tonight's target: CHLOE BAMBER


Blizzard's POV:

I read the text message. Chloe Bamber? Who the F is Chloe Bamber! Another person I have never heard of. Is this all this job offers! Killing everyone that you don't know! What has she done. I want my revenge. When will that ever happen. Anyway. I've still got all of my weaponry. Let's go and take this girl out and have done with her.

Chara's POV:

I get the text message. Chloe Bamber. Nice. Another girl anyone would like to kill. Such a nasty piece of work. I mean seriously. Who would ever want to be like Chloe Bamber. I check my guns. They look nice. All polished and ready to go. Flick them off of safety and away we go. Time for some more blood to be shed.

The White Wolf's POV:

Chloe Bamber is the target on the text. Chloe Bamber will be looking up to me tonight. When I slash her legs and make her pay for what she has done to our group. When she looks up, I will kill her. She won't like it but who cares... It's only, Chloe Bamber! I've got all my weapons. Swords, knives and gun. Oh yeah and a New edition. Hidden claws. Almost like Wolverine's. Only more refined and more deadly. Let's go and kill her!

Neko Thief's POV:

Finally. My revenge target is here. Chloe Bamber. That little runt won't know what will hit her. Mainly cos she will be dead. Fir years I wish I could have killed her and now I get my chance. Finally I can take my revenge from the biggest gob in the UK today. Finally that bully gets slaughtered. Because as of tomorrow. She will be the quietest gob in the UK. I check my inventory. I have everything plus a BB gun which I took from Bailey Peacock's house. Could be useful for torture! A slow painful death is what lies ahead for Chloe and I don't care what anyone else does or says. I will be the one to kill her. I walk outside. It's raining. Typical. My car doesn't have any windscreen wipers. However. What are neighbours for. The neighbours car has the wipers I need. I carefully take them off and put then onto my car. Perfect. Thanks neighbour. I start the car and speed off down the road as if in a police chase without any police.

Ghost's POV:

The normal text vibrates my phone. Oh yes what a pick. Chloe Bamber. She could do with being silenced. Her big ass gob has been upsetting people since the day she was born. She's such a hippo. Her mouth is definitely as big as a hippos anyway. I check my stock since I finally killed someone last night. It's all there but I don't feel well. Like something is trying to tell me to remember something. I go to the door. And see this note. If you are reading this then please wait. I will be with you in a minute. Shadow. I start to breathe heavily again. Shadow. That's the boy that I spoke to last night. He is the one that cared for me. He's the one I snogged and kissed. I felt this emotion. It..... Felt like...... Love! My eyes closed.

Neko Thief's POV:

I get to the address of the mighty gob of Chloe Bamber. I climb the side of the house and then enter through the open window. Stupid girl. Leaving windows open for me. I start to look around and pick up some nice jewellery along the way. What. My name does contain, thief. This should be no surprise to you! I spot her in her bedroom. Time to use my small size for good. I crawl underneath her bed. I see her legs dangling over the edge. I grab them and instantly pull them down and under the bed. And she faceplants the ground. I then crawl out from under the bed.

"What a faceplant. That's worth some extra points!" I say in this gameshow tone, "You know what, I should put that on YouTube or get me self £250 on you've been framed!"

"Who are you?!" Chloe says with blood coming from her nose.

"I'm your worst nightmare!" I say back. I then get my BB gun and start shooting her. Every pellet receives an ow noise. This is some perfect torture. Bruises everywhere. I then cut her with my knives before shooting her legs and arms properly. I then take both my swede and stab both of them straight into her heart. That you deserve you little runt. I leave straight after making sure I took some more of her jewellery. No on saw me. A perfect first kill.

Blizzard's POV:

I arrived at the address, the window open. I climb in. And I find the corpse of a body. That must be Chloe Bamber. Hmm. Someone had some fun and tortured her. I left immediately so that no one could see me with that disgusting body of an ex-alive human.

Third Person POV:

After Blizzard left. The White Wolf arrived. And man was she unhappy. When she found Chloe Bamber dead. She just took out her gun and shot her three times in the head to take out her frustration of not killing her and for the things she has said in the past. She then heard movement from outside. She ran to the window and climbed out. She ran off after hearing footsteps. 5 minutes later Chara arrived. She looked tired. As if she had just ran a marathon! She just about managed to climb into the window and then walk around the house of Chloe Bamber. She found her. Dead. She let out a sigh and an angry groan. "I walked all this way to not kill her. FFS! STUPID PEOPLE THAT KILL PEOPLE BEFORE ME!!" She really wasn't happy about this. She climbed out of the window and started the walk back to her house to rest up for tomorrow.

Shadow's POV:

I arrived at Ghost's door when I received the text. Chloe Bamber. Should be a nice target to hunt down together eh. I cant wait to team up with her. And spend a bit more time together. I knock on the door and recheck my weapons. All good apart from, she didn't answer the door. I knocked again. Still nothing so I pushed the handle down. The door opened. And I saw Ghost. She was led on the floor. Passed out. I carry her to her bed. And she eventually wakes.

"Are you ok?" I ask with great concern.

"Yeah I am fine. What happened?!" She asked a little wearily.

"You passed out for some reason. What do you remember?" I question further.

"I remember going to walk out he door as if I had forgotten something. Then I read your note and I started. To almost have a panic attack. I couldn't breathe correctly as if something was fighting me to try and reclaim something. Anyway. I must kill Chloe Bamber!" She said this with great eagerness.

"It's too late. You've been passed out for hours. She is probably already dead if an assassin from a close region got wind of it. You just need to rest and make sure you are ok for tomorrow. Because if you leave now you won't be able to kill tomorrow!" I say this to her in a comforting way.

"Hey, I'm sorry I messed up the first day of our assassination partnership thing. I will make it up to you tomorrow. I will meet you at your house and then we can go and kill as a team." Ghost said to me slightly saddened.

"That's fine. And I would like that. Have a good night and I will see you tomorrow." I say to Ghost softly before kissing her on the cheek and forehead. I then leave for my house for another night.

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