Chapter 18- 4 Years Later

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It's been four years since Jordan had taken over control of the Æ. In these four years they have killed less than a quarter of the people killed in that one year that was before. Everyone has kept their positions. Jessie and Charlotte still train the recruits. Shanice and Lauren still research and design new weapons. Even though some prototypes have mysteriously gone missing. I wonder if Neko Thief knows about their disappearances. And Jordan is still the boss with his right hand woman, Becca. Yep, together for four years. But that's not the only romance that has taken place. Lauren now has girlfriend, she's called Ella. And Shanice has found a boyfriend called Sean. All working for Æ but not active egos. Jordan decided to leave it up to them to decide if they want their egos activated.

Today though was a special day. Jordan had organised a little party with the group. No one knew why. But they went as it was a party. It was going well. Everyone was having a good time then out of the blue the music died down and Jordan knelt down and took Becca's hand.

"Rebecca Lauren Reid. We have spent the best four years together. We killed people and we healed people. We helped our friends and turned this place around. Would you and Ghost do the honour, of marrying me?" As Jordan said that he brought out a ring box containing two rings. One for Becca and one for Ghost.

Becca was shocked at the question. But she inly had one answer, "Yes, of course I will marry you!" She cried with joy!

Jordan out the ring on her finger and saved the other one for Ghost.

Now you're probably wondering why two rings. Well when the alter egos get married their ring only stays with that ego. So they get married twice. Once in normal ego and once in alter ego. This means that when they transform they will always have a ring on them. Also when an alter ego gets married they get a gold stripe on a part of their outfit to officially say that they are married. Anyway. Back to the story.

Jordan then kissed Becca in front of everyone. Then went on to state,

"Now you should know what this party is. Sorry I couldn't tell any of you, It's just. You would have told Becca. So this is an engagement party!" He extremely happily said. He took Becca by the hand and went to the dance floor with her.


The daytime service went really well. Both turned up to the church and said their vowels in front of each other. Then they each put a ring on the others finger. And then kissed at the alter. Jordan had finally married the girl that he had lived for some years before they got together. And Becca felt cared for and safe. They had the party midday because they had another wedding after sundown.

All the egos changed and they went to the church. Shadow and Ghost again said their vowels. Exchanged rings and kissed. But at this wedding. They transformed again. Having the addition of a gold band around their left arms as part of their looks to symbolise the marriage.

Then they partied all night and then went back to Jordan's house where they both lived after all the others had gone home. Ghost had finally found someone that loved her for who she is and not what she was. She had finally found someone who loved her. Whereas Shadow had finally loses his loneliness. He couldn't be or feel lonely at all with his wife by his side. Now they could look to the future knowing that all alter egos were happy. Knowing that themselves would forever be happy together. This time forever.

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