Chapter 13- Night Six

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Blizzard's POV:

I look at the text. My eyes burn in anger. Finally. That Prick gets what he deserves. All the bullying he put me through. All of the nasty things he said. All of it. His blood will now pay the price. Mathew Gamen. Your time is up. And it's about time. I check my weapons. Everything is there. Throwing snowflakes. Freeze ray. And two frozen swords to put a freeze on anyone's heart. For he will freeze in hell. His blood will become ice and I will finally have my revenge on this evil twat. I leave the house and start running to his address.

Neko Thief's POV:

I look at the text. Mathew Gamen. I don't know who he is but I remember someone talking about him. I check my supplies. I have everything. This is good. I go out to my car. Nothing needs changing or replacing on it which could be described as good news for the neighbours. She starts up lovely. I drive off of my drive and along to the address that is given to me for Mathew Gamen.

The White Wolf's POV:

I receive the usual text. Who on earth is Mathew Gamen. Well. Why would I care. I mean I just want to kill the target not be friends with it. I check my inventory after last night. I am out of bullets for my gun. Although they were used well. I have a look around to see if I can find some. I don't. I will have to pick some up on the way. Claws are good and knives and swords are ready. I start the journey towards the victims house.

Chara's POV:

Yes. Another target. Maybe its another nemesis. Mathew Gamen?! Who is Mathew Gamen? Ok. Well he is another target. And another target equals another pay cheque potential. I will need this to help me maintain my house. It really is lacking a bit of decoration. All four of my guns are ready loaded. I move towards the door and almost forget. I almost forgot my swords that came in the Alter Post. These things are sweet. Right. Off out the door I go to kill another foe!

Becca's POV:

I accepted Jordan's offer to go round his house so... Here I am. He said that he wants me to witness his transformation from normal to dark. Because he can turn dark early he decides to show me. He enters this pose. Then the room filled with this black smoke and fire. It consumed him quietly and effortlessly. It lasted about 10 seconds and then there he was. Shadow in his assassins outfit.

"What do you think?" Shadow asks me.

"I think it suits you. Definitely the outfit!" I reply.

Shadow's POV:

I look at Becca as the sun sets. A purple fire consumes her elegantly. It rises until you can't see anything of her. It then gradually fades and what I see is Ghost.

"What do you think of me, in this state?" Ghost asks.

"I think you look beautiful with either ego! But the beanie, well that is typical you!" I reply whilst laughing at the last comment.

My phone goes and we look at the target.

"Mathew Gamen!" I shout.

"Who is Mathew Gamen?" Ghost asks.

"Mathew Gamen is a kid that used to bully Shanice. He called her all sorts of names and mentally put her down. She went through some horrible months not trusting a single soul. He eventually learned when Shanice kicked him in his lady parts. Twice." I respond.

"Oh... So we are doing this for Shanice then?" Ghost replies.

"Yes. This kill is for Shanice." I respond again. We both check our weapons and both agree that we have everything. We go out the front door and we start our journey to avenge my cousin's past nemesis.

Blizzard's POV:

I reach Mathew Gamen's house. What a despicable human being. I enter his house as he had left the door open. I find him. In a gaming room. I gradually open the door and he spots me and tries to run away.

"Freeze!" I shout at him as I fire my freeze ray at his feet. His feet, now frozen to the ground meant that he couldn't move, that made me giggle. That will never get old!

"What are you doing." Mathew screamed.

"What am I doing? Well, I am looking at someone that is about to die for what he has done to me in the past. You know. The name calling, the harassing, oh and just generally being annoying. You will die because if those things and I will have my revenge. Your death will be my revenge." I confidently say back.

I grab a throwing snowflake. God that's a cold piece of weaponry. Literally cold. But that didn't bother me. I threw it at his leg and Bulls eye! Direct hit. 20 points. I threw another at his arm. Bingo Ringo! Another 20 points. He now had blood dripping from both of these body parts. Let's test to see if he has lady parts. I throw and oooooo! That's gotta hurt. That's worth 50 points right there for that hit. He screamed in pain and agony. I'm getting annoyed with his screaming. So I rocket a punch straight at his jaw. Another successful hit. That shut him up.

"Now the time has come. The time which we have all been waiting for. Mathew Gamen I hope you have funeral care and a tombstone with your name on it!" I shout at him.

I get both my swords. They looked frozen. And they were bloody cold. I line them up. Both aimed at his ribcage. One on the heart and one on the other side of his chest. Then I plunge them into his chest and without a sound his eyes immediately shut. His heart stops and freezes. A successful revenge kill. Perfect for what I was looking for. I leave through the front door and shut it behind me. No one has spotted me which is good. I leave as if nothing has happened.

Third Person POV:

Chara was first on the scene. She decided to try and open the window. This worked. She climbed in and then she found Mathew. Frozen on the spot.

"WTF!! Who on earth did that. That is proper psychotic. A frozen victim. That is cool!"

She then proceeded to climb back out of the window and leave the premises without anyone spotting her. The White Wilf turned up next. She got in the house through the window and the found the dead frozen body. "Damn, that's cold!" Jessie stated. She then thought that he didn't really matter to her if she killed him thus she left the house and decided to go back home. Then Neko Thief turned up. She decided that she would try the door first. She's in. She goes up the stairs and starts to feel a chill down her spine. She looks in the gaming room to find a frozen Mathew Gamen.

"Bloody hell. I know we grill people before we kill them but I've never had to freeze someone to heal those burns. God almighty, that is harsh. The problem is I don't want to steal anything from here either. It's all rubbish stuff that's no good!" Neko Thief complains. She then exits through the door and closes it behind her. The last assassins to arrive were Shadow and Ghost.

"Try the door. Mathew never had a sense of security" Shadow stated.

Ghost tries the door and Shadow's guess was correct. They both wander in. Immediately Ghost feels a chill down her spine and the feeling of being cold. They both go upstairs and look in Mathew's bedroom. Not there. They then try the gaming room. He was there. He was never leaving there.

"OMG! What has happened to him?" Ghost questioned.

"He's been revenge killed." Shadow simply stated.

"Revenge killed?!" Ghost asked curiously.

" Yes, each Alter Ego can remember what people had done to their normal self. But they can't remember their normal self. But the actions that can't be justified remain. That night you killed Bailey Peacock. You practically beat him up and dished out so much pain for what he had done. You revenge killed him. It basically means putting the victim through more pain than is necessary because they have hurt you badly before. And this. This is one of the best revenge kills I've seen. The pain of being frozen. And having your lady parts hit by a throwing snowflake. WHAT! THROWING SNOWFLAKE! This means there is more than one other assassin out there! We need to be careful now!" Shadow explains then gasps.

They both leave the house and shut the front door. Shadow takes Ghost back home before he returns to his own. There is a worried and panicky look on Shadow as he returns home. He knows something else has happened but he doesn't know what!

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