15: Roasted Garlic

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Chapter 15: Roasted Garlic

Emma: I am freaking out here. I am definitely getting caught. In fact they are gonna call my mother ANYTIME!

Hailey: Emma chill. They are not gonna come after you. The guys handled the matter well.

Emma: Okay you are right. I am just overthinking this a lot. God I need a break.

Hailey: Why? Don't you have Leo the sexy Italian to keep you entertained? ;)

Emma: -_- No. besides he isn't even home!

Hailey: Hey why don't you and George come over to my place? We can all hang out. It's been long since we have done that! Besides Mom and Dad went to meet my uncle with Ian and Reese. So we have the house all to ourselves.

Emma: That sounds fun! Okay coming over asap.

I was excited to go over to Hailey' s place but I was also anxious to meet George. He was so upset these days, I decided to not bring up that Sebastian matter just yet. I knew there was definitely something going on between them, the kiss they shared made it obvious. But what about Hailey? On the other hand, Sebastian kept on seeing Hailey. Hailey deserves to know the truth but not yet, I need to confirm what is going between Sebastian and George first so I refrained from saying anything to her. I was feeling guilty for hiding this to her, so I needed to confront George today.

After showering and changing into my most comfortable clothes I went over to Hailey's place.

Emma: Going over to Hailey's place. The main door key is in the third flower pot from left. Btw you alright?

Leo: Okay.

Juat okay? Leo seemed quite aloof from last night. In fact he left really early in the morning and hasn't returned yet. I asked if he was alright but he just muttered a hasty okay, taking off somewhere. He seemed quite stressed and burdened about something. I had this urge to ask him if he was okay or not. But I decided against it, maybe I will ask him about it when he comes back.

After few moments I was at Hailey's place, George was already there. He seemed fine but I knew inside he was hurting.

"EMMA!" Hailey wrapped her arms around me. "I finally get to have my favourite bitches together", she beamed.

"George is your favourite too?",
I grasped dramatically since they always used to pick up silly fights here and there.

"Yeah he is unfortunately", Hailey shrugged, smiling coyly.

George just returned her a weak smile.

"Let's just watch a movie okay?" Hailey chimed in.

"What are we going to watch? You decide Hailey", I suggested plopping myself on the bed beside George.

"How about Clueless?"

"I already saw that".

"But I didn't neither did George", Hailey said.

"Okay I don't mind re-watching it".


After we were done, we were all lying in bed eating chips and salsa. Of course I had to convince Hailey to order a pizza. In fact it's going to be here any minute.

"I would love to lick chocolate sauce off Ryan Gosling's abs", George said. George was in a better mood than before. Maybe he just let go of his worries now.

"Sure! I will join with you. We just have to kidnap him first", I teased.

"But you don't have to right? You have the sexy Leo Arsen living with you. Apparently he has washboard abs", Hailey quipped.

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