25: Pastrami

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Chapter 25: Pastrami

"Delivery for miss Justice", the guy from FedEx said. "Please sign here", he pointed to the paper and I did that for the third time. It was another bouquet from none other than Leo Arsen with an apology card attached to it. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't a big fan of flowers but I had to admit these were pretty. So I decided to keep them instead of throwing it away, which I felt like doing. Seriously flowers as an apology for calling me a slut. That's not how it works.

"Thank you miss", the guy smiled at me. I thanked him and later closing the door after seeing him turning to leave.

I carried the bouquet to my living room, and kept it with the two other flowers. They were all tulips of different colours. Tulips were my favourite. I wondered where he got that piece of information from.

I silently prayed that was the last bouquet of flowers. I just wanted to cuddle up on the sofa and watch Netflix since I didn't want to get up to open the door again. It was oddly cold after it was almost 90 degrees yesterday. It's gonna rain soon since the sky was getting gloomy. Yeah the weather in Florida was pms-ing, perhaps more than Leo Arsen.

Emma- Stop sending me flowers.

I texted Leo but I didn't get a reply from him. As usual he disappeared off to somewhere since morning. I didn't even see him at school. I was about to settle on the couch when the door bell rang. This is the fourth time I had to open the door, in the spam of an hour. I have had enough.

"FUCK YOU LEO ARSE-N!" I cried out in anger. I stomped to the door and opened it without seeing the peephole," NO I DON'T WANT ANYMORE FLOWERS", I cried out but then I realized it was Josh.

"Whoa calm down Em", He said seeing me tense.

"I- I am sorry Josh", I apologized feeling embarrassed. I guess he just got off from work since he was wearing his Carlo's red t-shirt.

"It's cool Em. Happens to all of us", he smirked. I had to admit he was cute in a boyish kind of way.

I laughed nervously but inside I was chiding myself for being so stupid. He entered the house, surprised to see the flowers. "That's a lot of flowers. What are we having here? A wedding?"

"Uh uh. I have finally decided to give up on guys and settle for a pizza", I joked. No seriously that sounds like a good idea. I was actually considering that.

He laughed,"Then what are you waiting for? Your groom is ready".

"What do you mean?"

"Wait a sec", he got out of the house, after some time he came back carrying a huge pizza box.

"What is that?" I asked as I helped Josh settle the box on the table. That box covered half of my dining table.

"See it for yourself", he opened the box revealing a huge pizza.

It was a huge pepperoni pizza with extra cheese as I always order with 'I am sorry princess', written in ketchup over it.

"A 25 inch pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. It was a special order from none other than Leo Arsen", I was speechless. I can't believe this guy.

"Whoa... That is... That is huge".

"That's what she said", Josh guffawed. I was too busy staring at the pizza but not enough to look up at him and quirk an eyebrow at him for making that joke.

"I am sorry. You were asking for it", we both laughed.

"So? Do you forgive him?" He asked referring to Leo.

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