31: Sausage

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Chapter 31: Sausage

In case anyone is confused, (which I am sure most of you guys are) Emma's flashback is over. This is after Josh and Leo come back from their trip and it's written in Emma's POV of course.


I woke up to the smell of waffles. That's the best smell you can wake up to. I stirred in my sleep squinting my eyes under the sunlight. I see Leo holding a plate for me,"Good morning princess. I made breakfast in bed for you", he said smiling at me.

I was quite surprised by this gesture, it gave me this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, I got up and he placed the the plate in front of me. It was waffles with strawberries and maple syrup drizzled on it, "This looks absolutely delectable", I said picking up the fork and knife. It tastes delicious too, I have to admit without Leo I would have still been living off TV dinners and takeaways. Last night he cooked chicken steak with mushroom sauce, it was good that I ended up finishing Leo's share too as he wasn't that hungry.

It was a lazy Sunday morning so after I was done having my breakfast I ended up taking another nap, only this time I was woken up by cold water being dumped over my body.  I get up to see Leo mischievously smiling at me, only instead of a warm plate of breakfast he was holding an empty bucket this time.

"What the fuck Leo?" I screamed. I was having such a good sleep and he fucking had to ruin it.

"You are so hot I needed to do something to cool you down", he said smirking at me.

"YOU ASSHOLE", I threw my drenched pillow at him but he dodged it,"Why did you have to do that?"

"You were the one who switched the T-shirt last friday, didn't you? I asked Josh and Derek about It, they swore on their Pokemon cards that they didn't do it. So the only person I can think of is you". On Thursday George left his red t-shirt at my place after the sleepover with the words "I am Bootylicious" written over it (I don't even want to know where he got that from). So I decided to mess with Leo by replacing his Carlo's work T-shirt with George's T-shirt since they looked almost the same except Leo's T-shirt had Carlo's Pizzeria written in the back with the same font. I thought he won't fall for it but he was still drowsy when he woke up from his sleep so he just changed into that T-shirt and went to work without even realizing ,"In fact Josh and Derek didn't even tell me anything about it until Carlo came to work and scolded me for wearing the T-shirt", he said scowling. I laughed out loud but regretting it immediately.

"I will get back to you for this!" He dashed out of my room leaving me drenched.

I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair, I received texts from both George and Hailey. They both want to meet up with me, I suggested we could all meet up together but then they both wanted to meet me alone as they had something important to tell me. But I was planning to study today since I have so many quizzes next week, I wanted to be done with it as early as possible in that way I wouldn't have to pull an all-nighter. Hopefully I will be home by early  afternoon.

I first met up with George who wanted to meet me at the mall to grab some bubble tea, we hung out at some of the stores while we sipped pearl milk tea,"What did you wanted to discuss that you possibly couldn't discuss in front of Hailey?" I said trying on these black stilettos. I am usually not a big fan of stilettos but this one was caught my eye.

"Uhh I am not into Sebastian anymore. I am with him just to waste my time. I don't know Em. I am so confused. I feel like a awful person", he said in one breath."And the reason I didn't want to discuss this in front of Hailey is because she might judge me and then she also has a history with Sebastian".

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