23: Basil

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Chapter 23: Basil

Leo Arsen is an asshole. And that's a fact. After the whole ordeal with the envelope from the mental health hospital, we were definitely giving each other silent treatments.

We barely talked unless we absolutely needed it. He was being reticent as ever. I wondered for whom was that envelope from. Does Leo have any mental illness that I am not aware of? No I don't think so. He looked quite okay to me except he might just need a shit load of anger management classes. But then he doesn't get angry easily right? I remember the time when I punched him in the face. He didn't react or anything. I didn't know what was wrong. There was something troubling him and I needed to get to the bottom of this.

My phone beeped indicating there was a text for me. It was from an unknown number. Okay it was pretty weird to receive texts at 3 am at night. I was pulling an all nighter of course because I had a history quiz tomorrow.

Unknown: I am waiting for you outside Rose. Open up your window I wanna meet you.

I dropped the phone from my hands. He has come to see me. He is fucking here... just below my house.

Shakily somehow my legs carried me,  towards my window, checking if it's close or not. I was too scared to look down. I wasn't ready for it. The memories of that night were still vivid to me. I remember everything.

Another message came hence the phone beeped, I was shaking from fear but I somehow managed to pick it up.

Unknown: You are not gonna open the window? Well I guess I have to come through the front door. And to my luck it's open.

I started breathing hard, my hand became sweaty. I froze to my place. I am pretty sure Leo wasn't home, because a few hours ago I heard the main door slamming of the main door. I ran downstairs, the only thing that was in mind was that I needed to close the fucking door. He can't get inside.

My heart was frantically beating against my chest. Upon turning the knob I discovered the door was indeed unlocked. I locked it and making sure to check it twice. But I was still paranoid. I searched the whole house but there was no one. I didn't realize I was crying and sweating profusely at the same time. He was coming to get me...


I didn't know how I fell asleep. I woke up to find my bed room door locked. Someone was knocking on my door mercilessly.

"Emma...Emma... You okay? Why aren't you answering me?" Leo cried out from the other side of the door.

"Answer to me!" I didn't realize I woke up in a pool of sweat. Ignoring that I opened the door to see Leo looking worried.

"What?" I asked bitterly. I was in a sour mood after last night. I couldn't believe Leo forgot to lock the front door hence putting my life to risk.

He was about to say something but he stopped," I was- I wanted to know where the cereal is", he said. 

That was the stupidest question ever. He  knew where the cereal was, he would always wake up in the morning and finish it before me. But I was tired of his bullshit so I wasn't interested in asking him that," Third cupboard from left", he was about to say something but I shut the door on his face.


"Isn't that Wade Eckhart?" Hailey asked as we walked to our next class together.

"Oh shit it is! And he is coming towards us. Hide me!" I said as I saw him approaching us. I thought he was taking part in foreign exchange this year. Wade Eckhart was your typical jock with excellent grades. Last year I ended up taking math lessons from him every Thursday at the library. But after he was done tutoring me he asked me out and I blatantly said no as I wasn't interested. He was quite good looking with his Asian American features and killer hair which I swear every girl dies for but he exactly wasn't my type. Though he was nice to me but he was also Jules's  friend and whenever Jules was around he pretended not to know me.

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