Chapter 5 • Master of the dark

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Four days had Eunha and Jimin moved like that. The dominating silence increasingly being broken by teasing, sarcastic remarks, and Eunha's random comments and questions that even she herself didn't realize she was muttering from time to time.
The two had slowly started to get to know each other and it occurred to Eunha that Jimin had been acting strange. Even more than he normally did.

The first two days, Eunha followed Jimin around blindly, trusting that he was keeping his promise as he did not have a choice. As another day passed, however, Eunha noticed how strange Jimin acted when walking; as if the place was unfamiliar to him. It seemed he had no idea where they were going.

"Let's go that way. That's faster." Jimin said as he pointed at a steep path curving up the hill. Trees were growing closely over the earth, making the way appear as a tunnel of green.

Eunha put her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. Sweat was dripping down her face and neck from the heavy exercise, cheeks flushed red.
They had climbed up 6 hills already and he wanted to go up another one? Was he out of his mind?

She quickly dried her face with her sleeve, before grabbing her bottle from her bag.
"You done, Bunny? I want to get to my friend as fast as possible, you're falling behind."

Eunha observed Jimin's face as she drank some water. He was slightly frowning as he looked around, trails of sweat dripping down his face and neck as well. Elves had a better physique than humans; if even he was sweating from their walk then how did he expect her to keep up?

The sweat coating his flawless skin, hair and clothes wasn't the only thing she noticed, though she had to shake her head in order to lose some unwanted thoughts at the sight of him.
As she was searching for hints, movements and expressions that told her he didn't have a clue what he was doing, she could easily detect the doubt on his face.

"Does that friend even exist, Jimin?" She asked him in suspicion, eyes studying his reaction closely.
"Of course-" Just as he started talking, Jimin got interrupted by a loud screech. It was an ear-piercing noise startling the living daylights out of Eunha as it contrasted so greatly with the comforting sounds of nature.

They spun around quickly, the source of the screech found immediately.
Eunha stood face to face with a huge, monster-like figure. It's body was tinted an electric blue and black, skin looked extremely slimy and hairy. Two huge ears that reminded Eunha of fins, decorated the ugly face of the weird creature that towered over them.

It let out another screech, right in the girl's face. Her dark hair flew back because of the amount of air leaving the creatures mouth. She clutched her eyes tightly shut in fear, its extremely foul breath making her want to throw up in disgust.
Its neon green eyes darted around the place, before focusing on Eunha. It seemed like the monster had found it's target.

The girl didn't know what to do, run or play dead. She had never seen nor read about these creatures. Of course they learned about them in school, but this monster she didn't recognize.

The beast took a step forward, his eyes still on Eunha as his long, pointy blue tongue slipped out of its beak, saliva dripping everywhere.
The ground trembled as the creature's foot came in contact with the earth, the strength making Eunha lose balance and fall on her butt. She crawled backwards hastily as the beast took another step forwards, her eyes were frantically searching her surroundings for a weapon.

"Don't worry Bunny! I will make sure you're safe!" Jimin exclaimed confidently. He grabbed his bow, shooting an arrow at the monster.
Now you might think that it looked really cool, but it didn't.

His face was paler than normal, his hands trembling in fear as he tried to grab an arrow from the holder on his back. By the time he finally had an arrow in his hand, he had dropped three other ones on the ground. Because his hands were shaking so badly, it took some time before he finally shoot the arrow and.....miss. Not even a little bit, no, the arrow shot in a completely different direction.

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