Chapter 25 • Magical tea

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Eunha woke up to the sounds of crickets chirping, the crackling of a tame fire and water softly boiling in the background. It took her a second to recall what had happened, but when she did she wished she could erase those memories. The truth was too painful and yet at the same time she couldn't fully believe it. It seemed too unrealistic and she still hadn't experienced the emptiness of her home or the aching hole in her chest. Maybe in the future she would truly comprehend the situation and mourn for their loss, but right now she couldn't really bring herself to do it. She didn't want to believe it.

Licking her dry lips Eunha observed her surroundings. She had no idea where she was; she didn't recognize the place. It looked like a little wooden cottage. She was lying in a bed that for her small form was kind of big, on the ground lay an old carpet that reminded her of the one she had at home and there was one wobbly chair in the corner of the room. That was all the interior. One more thing that seemed slightly out of place was the black cloaked figure sitting in an uncomfortable position on the floor next to her bed. The soul-keeper was obviously asleep, his neck turned in an awkward angle so that his head could rest against the wall. He looked a lot younger when sleeping, or maybe he looked his real age for once, because when seeing him work and move with the experience and skills he has you could easily forget that he was around Eunha's age. It was truly admirable, though Eunha couldn't help but wonder what had forced him to grow up so quickly.

"He refused to leave your side, stating that it was partly his fault that you fainted. I guess he was too exhausted to stay awake though." The girl who hadn't even heard the door open was slightly startled at the sudden voice. Jin stepped closer to the bed, a cup and a kettle in his hands. His pink hair was messily ruffled as if he'd just ran his hands through the silky locks, but he looked handsome nevertheless. His warm eyes searched hers in concern, a sweet smile stretching on his perfectly sculpted face. "How are you feeling, little pumpkin?"

"I'm fine. I actually feel more awake now." Eunha's voice trailed off. She knew he was asking how she felt after hearing the news of her father's and little sister's passing, but she didn't want to talk about that right now. So instead she chose to change the subject, "Where are we?"

"A little cottage at the edge of the lake. Jungkook explained they built this so that soul-keepers can take a power-nap  when they feel too drained from their work, but apparently it's never really used since they build those apartments we stayed in yesterday." Jin put the teacup down on the little chair and placed the kettle on the ground.

"After you fainted we went back here. Yoongi did a quick body scan and noticed that you were exhausted, so we decided to let you sleep it off. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung left to get more food for us who actually eat from a town nearby, they'll be back in an hour or so. Jimin and Yoongi are outside napping by the fire, and well, you know where the two of us are." Jin vaguely pointed at Jungkook who as if on cue smacked his lips, moved around a little to find a more comfortable position and continued his deep slumber after letting out a soft breath.

"Body scan as in magic?" Eunha fiddled with the knitted quilt that was draped over her body and moved to sit up straight.
Jin hummed in response, his hand searching for something inside of his pocket, "Like he did when he healed you. That's what he said anyways."

The prince took out what seemed to be a mix of leaves and herbs and sprinkled them into the little tea cup he had put down on the chair. He then poured some hot water in the cup, carefully handing the drink to Eunha after. "Drink up, you'll feel better."

"Where did you get these ingredients? Do you always carry tea inside of your pockets?" Eunha sweetly voiced in amusement. She leaned closer to the hot drink, her eyes lighting up with pleasure as the delicious scent entered her nose.

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