Chapter 28 • The demon's past

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Jimin watched with widened eyes how Taehyung carelessly threw a Crystalcrier into the water. Those flowers were poisonous, made to paralyze the victim. The idiot was supposed to know that and yet he didn't pay attention to it. Too caught up in his own world.


The words left his mouth without thinking, every bit of hate he felt for the demon forgotten as he watched the man's face form into a look of realization. Then, within a second, he had sunk into the water, left to drown.

Adrenaline kicked in as Jimin hastily tried to reach the demon, wading through the heavy water. His eyes took in the scene, noticing how the flower was still sprinkling the bubbles of death above the spot where Taehyung had disappeared. He couldn't go there. The moment those bubbles touched his skin he would be gone, just like Tae.

Jimin's jaw clenched in both worry and anger, his body stopping when he was as close as he could get. "Someone get rid of that flower, but don't touch it! It will paralyze you!" The elf shouted, not even waiting for a reply as he took a deep breath and dove into the cool water.

Luckily the lake wasn't too deep or else Jimin wouldn't have had the strength nor breath to save the demon in time. Though as he squinted his eyes to see through the white haze of air-bubbles he accidentally created by diving into the water, he noticed how Taehyung's limp body had drifted a bit further than planned.

No problem. He could do this.

Filled with determination Jimin swam towards the figure. He dove underneath one of the black wings, surprised to see a purple-ish glow around them that seemed to keep the delicate feathers protected from the water. The elf ignored the strange demon-magic and circled his arms around Tae's waist so that he could pull him up. His feet were kicking wildly in the water, struggling with the heavy weight of the paralyzed body. Slowly however, they were moving upwards.

Jimin's lungs were about to burst, every bit of instinct told him to just abandon the man and save himself, but he ignored it all knowing he wouldn't be able to live with the fact that he had left someone to die. Instead he fought harder, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, muscles burning from the lack of air.

He really hoped someone had taken care of that flower, because if not that would mean the moment he resurfaced, the bubbles would paralyze him too, bringing the both of them in danger.

His wish became reality as his head appeared from out of the water, a loud gasp leaving his plump lips as he desperately tried to fill his longs with fresh air.
The moment the duo resurfaced, multiple hands pulled the two out of the water, laying them onto the soft grass field instead.

"You idiots!" Jin yelled in worry, his hands busy growing the plants he needed to make the antidote to the Crystalcrier-poison. "Tae, how could you be so careless to just throw that flower into the water without examining it first? What is this, survival of the fittest? And you Jimin, you could have killed yourself if Hoseok hadn't gotten rid of that flower just in time. It's great that you saved him, but value your own life as well please!"

Yoongi moved to dry the two with his magic, making sure to heal the aching muscles and blisters from the long travel as well. He had been just as worried as Jin, if not more, but decided that this wasn't the right time to talk about it.

"Here eat this." Jin shoved the herbal medicine he had prepared inside of Taehyung's mouth, who was lying still on the ground. Jimin had saved him just in time, he had been able to hold his breath all the while so no water had entered his lungs.
Within minutes the antidote worked and the man slowly started moving his muscles, fully sitting up once he felt like he could.

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