Chapter 34 • Birthday cake

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I posted two chapters around the same time, so if you haven't read the one before this, go read that first! ^-^

Taehyung's screams had quiet down until there was nothing more but a soft whimpering left. The pain was still there, and it hurt like something he had never felt before, yet he also realized that having his beautiful wings cut off didn't mean that it was the end. It couldn't be the end.
The might-eater was still alive and as long as his friends were in danger, he wouldn't give up.
Though that didn't mean he could do much. Jaehyun had ordered his minions to push the seven in a horizontal line, keeping them next to each other on their knees.

He also dismissed the crow-mutants holding Eunha's arms, freeing the girl as he didn't see her as much of a threat. Not when he had her supernatural companions held captive. If she tried something, they would die, and she realized that as well.

Though that didn't stop her from trying to think of a plan. They had protected her with all their might, now it was her turn to protect them. She just had to be very smart and very careful.

"The only power that could actually kill me, is that of a god. You don't have that." Jaehyun smugly started, his hands folded behind his back as he walked down the line. "You're doomed, weak, a disappointment, the list goes on."

Eunha realized that all she had to do was take down her brother in order to free the seven from the minions. They could help her fight again after, and maybe this time they could defeat Jaehyun. If only they worked together. Analyzing the battle from earlier, the idea was good. Go for the might-eater, take him by surprise, but they'd tried to do it solo. They were seven very powerful individuals, so if instead of fighting in relay they could fight as a union, then there was a possibility they could make it.

She had to tackle her brother first though, and as he himself had already declared, she needed the power of a god to do so.

Jaehyun stopped in front of Namjoon who was obviously some type of leader, the dominant aura and eyes filled with wisdom and intelligence not going unnoticed by the might-eater.
"But you're also wonderful at playing mind-tricks. You know just what to say and what to do, to brainwash an innocent victim. To swing the mood."

That was it. Eunha's eyes lit up at the man's words.
Swing the mood, that's what she had to do. Her brother just gave her the answer to his own downfall. What an idiot.

The girl let her hand slide into her pocket, quickly preparing for her next move while Jaehyun's attention was still on the men in front of him.
Her plan would definitely work, but she had to play this right. If he didn't believe her, or worse suspected her, then that would mean the end of them all. She had one chance.

The might-eater lifted his arm, slapping Namjoon in the face just because he wanted to.
"You've been doing that to my little sister. Taking advantage of her sweet and delicate nature. Confusing her, so that you could use her as your personal blood bank. For that you'll pay!"

Just as Jaehyun wanted to slap the vampire again, Eunha interrupted him, "Is that true?"
Her voice was soft and filled with doubt. She observed the two, not knowing who to trust.

"Don't listen to him, pumpkin. He's lying." Jin said, trying to convince the girl with his words.

"It's not true." Namjoon insisted, his eyes not wavering away from Eunha's. They were calm and trustworthy like they had always been, though behind that wall she could see some kind of panic. Fear that she wouldn't believe him.

"They're doing it again, Eunie. I can see it in their eyes, it's all fake. They don't care for you, they never have! Just think about it, would they really have joined you, a stranger, to save your mother? They don't know Jiyoo, besides, you're human. The supernatural doesn't care for humans."

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