Chapter 6 • Hypnotized

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"What? No!" The elf exclaimed, not able to hide the look of surprise on his face.
What was the demon talking about, coming with them? Was he completely bonkers?

He redeemed himself rather quickly, sharp eyes immediately glaring at Taehyung.
"No way in hell are you coming with us!"

Eunha too was very shocked.
What was his plan and why did he want to tag along. It couldn't be because he felt like doing a good deed. He was a demon for god's sake.

"There are no ways in hell. Just black fields of mud and other reeking chemicals." Taehyung stated calmly, glancing at Jimin's face with a bored expression, before insisting,
"And I'm coming with you two idiots."

Jimin seemed very offended by the word idiot. Eunha on the other hand didn't mind being called that, but the fact that the demon had put her under the same label as Jimin, didn't please her at all. She was clearly less of an idiot than elf-boy.

"Why do you want to tag along so badly?" Eunha questioned suspiciously.

"You two seem to attract a lot of trouble. Trouble brings things as fear, death, and negativity. That means amusement for me." The demon looked at his nails, checking for any dirt underneath, before smirking at the short girl.

"You're lying, that's not the actual reason. I'm an elf remember, being manipulative and not speaking the truth is in my nature. I can see right through you, birdy." Jimin stated, stepping closer to Eunha in doubt. He didn't trust the creature in front of them, he could never tell what his next move would be and that annoyed him.

Taehyung's smirk dropped for a split second, but it was there again before they could blink.
"Since your fighting skills are rubbish, I thought you wouldn't be able to tell if I lied or not. You know, since talent in fighting and archery is also a thing in elves' nature." The demon tilted his head to the side and mockingly smiled at Jimin.

Jimin stayed motionless, still glaring at the creature in front of him, and spoke in a cold voice, "What are you up to, demon? What do you want? I can see the way you look at her. She mesmerizes you."

"Mesmerize is a strong word, even though she is in fact very pretty," Taehyung glanced at the furiously blushing Eunha. "Cute." He stated smiling at her, amused by her reaction.

Jimin stepped in front of her so that his body was now shielding the petite girl from Taehyung's vision completely. This also forced the demon to focus on the elf again.

"You are right, scaredy-cat. She is quite intriguing. There is something different about her that I can't put my finger on. Something tells me that I shouldn't let this feeling go so easily. Call it instincts or mere curiosity. Till I find out what is so alluring about her, I will come with you for protection reasons." He made eye-contact with Eunha, who had popped her head out from behind Jimin to look at the demon.

"We don't need you for protection." Jimin sounded cold as he stepped closer to the male in front of him.
Taehyung blinked, stared back at the two with a blank face.
"I feel very welcomed." He mumbled to himself before clearing his throat.

"Then who is going to protect her if something happens? You, scaredy-cat? And by the way, I know someone who can actually help you find your mother. You said earlier that you needed help right?"

"You know how to find my mother?" Eunha asked, interested in the demon's statement.
Jimin looked at her in surprise. Was she actually that stupid as to believe that bird-like creature?

The elf turned his body towards the girl, "Don't believe him, bunny. We don't need him. I will protect you, even though you can be a bit of a drag, I owe it to you. I will help you find your mother."

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