Chapter 16 • The Attack of the Scarecrows

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After agreeing to help the five on their mission, Yoongi had entered his tiny house, grabbing some tokens, herbs and other 'emergency necessities' as he had called them, for on the go. Apparently a wizard didn't need a lot to perform magic, but for certain spells- the more powerful ones- there were some objects required.

When finally happy with his collection of things, the group resumed their journey east. They spend the day getting to know each other, meaning Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Eunha talked about their likes and dislikes or just random topics, while Yoongi occasionally nodded, here and there answering a question when needed. Namjoon was on the calmer side as well, though he did laugh at some jokes, made some small-talk with the others, or simply told them which way they had to go.

Sooner than expected it had been time for them to sleep, which Yoongi was very happy with. The joy didn't last long, however, as the morning arrived and the group started their last day of walking before reaching their destination.

"I'm just saying, I don't think you would have come this far if it hadn't been for my lie. You would have never met the others if you had followed your own plan of visiting, what was it again? The fairies?" Eunha rolled her eyes as Jimin smugly tried to convince her how their progress was all thanks to him.

"You're getting caught in your own lie, elf-boy. Don't glorify the time we've lost by mindlessly wandering around the forest because you had this non-existent friend who could help us. If anything, we should be thanking Taehyung. He was the one saving our butts when we couldn't and he brought us to Namjoon."

At the mention of his name, the demon turned around to look at the human and elf who were trailing somewhere in the back, an amused smirk spreading on his handsome face.
He twirled his hands as he dramatically bowed to the short girl and guy in front of him, "You're welcome."

Jimin scowled at him before focusing on Eunha again, "Well birdy would have never found us if it wasn't for me leading you to the place where the monster was. Not that I purposely did it, but at least my subconscious deserves some acknowledgment." His eyebrows raised in protest.

"According to that theory I should be thanking myself. If I remember correctly it was I who saved you from that lost arrow. Besides, maybe I would have already found my mum if I went to the fairies."
Most-likely that wouldn't have been the case, but Eunha was too stubborn to thank Jimin for lying to her. She wouldn't praise his bad behaviour.

"But I came up with 'the rule'. I helped us on the way, so it's all thanks to me. And maybe you would have found your mother by now if it was for the fairies, but then you wouldn't have had such a gang of handsome fellas around to protect you."

Eunha snorted at that. She secretly was very thankful for their company. Even though their relationship started off a bit rusty, and it sometimes still was, walking with such a group of different beings was never boring. If they liked each other or not.

"Okay, enough with the bickering you two. My head can't take it anymore." Hoseok said loudly, ruffling both their hair in punishment. Eunha pushed away his hand, quietly running her fingers through her silky locks in order to fix what was ruined.
Not that it looked amazing to begin with, for three days straight had she been walking.
She kind of desperately needed a bath, but oh well.

As the girl was too busy with hair, she didn't notice that the others had stopped walking.
And of course, just like in every cliché drama that existed, the clumsy Eunha bumped into the hard back of the dangerously attractive demon. The impact of the collision making the girl loose balance and fall towards the ground.

-This was it, she was going to die from falling a meter or so, *gasp, but no!-

Big slender hands curled around her waist and back, catching her before she could hit the hard floor. A shocked gasp left her pink lips as she quickly opened her eyes, not surprised to see Taehyung's beautiful face hovering above hers, but nevertheless just as mesmerized.

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