Chapter 15 • The Man Made of Porcelain

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Eunha stood completely frozen; she had not expected the porcelain doll in front of her to move, let alone speak (in a very annoyed voice might she add). Now that he had opened his eyes, eyes that kind of reminded her of her cat back home, he looked even more beautiful than before. The cold expression on his face only added charm to his good looks, it made Eunha wonder what he would look like with his lips pulled in a smile.

"Are you going to speak instead of just staring at me, or not?" The man made of porcelain let go of her wrist, tilting his head to the side as he waited for a response. He must have surprised the girl by moving so suddenly, there was a pink blush on her soft chubby cheeks and her full lips were slightly parted in shock as she stared at him with big eyes. Not that he cared though, she had just awoken him from his precious sleep.

"Just stare," Eunha spoke without thinking, he was just too nice to look at. Mysterious and mesmerizing.
The embarrassment followed soon after when she finally realized what she just said. Her eyes widened even more as she began to wave her hands around in panic, "I-uh, I-I mean, uhh, no, s-sorry."

Deciding it was better to just keep her mouth shut than to embarrass herself even further, the girl pressed her lips in a thin line, her feet became very interesting all of a sudden.
If she had been bold enough to state that thought out loud, then why did the confidence decide to abandon her all of a sudden and leave her flustered at her own words? It was just plain mean, like her subconscious purposely wanted to make her feel awkward.

"Who are you?" Namjoon's voice sounded through the clearing, temporarily saving her from the stranger's intimidating gaze, as the group of four stepped next to Eunha. Their glances gliding from the girl who was nervously fiddling with her dress, to the boy who was lazily leaning against the tree.

"Why don't you answer that question first, given you just barged into my house without my consent and awakened me from my nap." His unamused gaze observed the group in front of him before pointedly stopping at the petite girl. Entering his home without asking was one thing, but disturbing his sleep, no one had ever dared to.

Namjoon stared back at the doll in front of him, immediately able to tell that he wasn't born that way; something must have turned him into porcelain.
Taehyung stared down at him as well, trying to intimidate the obviously unbothered male who just sat there unimpressed by the bunch in front of him.

Hoseok observed the boy, taking notice of the absence of happiness in his heart which made him frown slightly. What could have happened to make it that way, and what could the angel do to change it.

"Fair enough." Jimin, who didn't think too much of the situation, decided to sit down on the grass, a kind smile stretched on his face as he held out his hand for the boy to shake.
"I'm Jimin, nice to meet you!"

The mint-haired doll slowly shook Jimin's hand, slightly caught off guard by his enthusiasm. He then waited for the others to introduce themselves.

"My name is Hoseok, your angel, your hope! Nice to meet you!" A heart-shaped smile decorated his face as he happily took the pearly white hand of the boy in front of him, shaking it firmly. The latter nodded his head before shortly diverting his gaze to the ground below him, the sparkling eyes of the angel surprisingly making him a bit nervous.

Hoseok, who ignored the very faint blush on the doll's cheeks, plopped down next to him, looking at the remaining three expectantly. Eunha glanced at the two males standing, but decided that it was her turn after seeing them staring back at her.

She took a little step forward, the grass brushing against her bare ankles, and softly shook the man's hand. "I'm Eunha, nice to meet you. Oh, and sorry for waking you up, I didn't think you were alive." She shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, before sitting down next to Jimin.

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