Chapter 20 • Jellybeans

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The next morning when the storm had passed, the seven quickly packed their stuff and started their way to the soul-center. The ambience was good apart from an awkward Yoongi who tried to avoid Eunha as best as he could, not being able to suppress the slight blush that crawled on his face every time the two crossed eyes.

Last night's events embarrassed him as they were full of firsts. Even though it had been nice to talk about his past and to be held by someone, he couldn't help but feel shy as he wasn't used to opening up or being close to people. He had also never expected to comfort a girl, especially not over something like a fear of thunder. It must have been because of Eunha's naturally open and accepting attitude that he was okay with it. It wasn't just Yoongi either, all the boys felt comfortable around the little human, even when just having met.
When talking, there was no judgement and that made it really easy to be yourself around her.

A small smile spread on Eunha's lips as she heard Hoseok and Taehyung laugh at something that Jungkook said. The soul-keeper pulled a funny face, momentarily stopping his walk to show them a certain movement that made the others laugh even louder.

Jungkook's personality had changed completely over night. It was as if a switch had gone off, the shy and silent guy making way for a funny, teasing, yet by passion driven man, though he could be calm and collected from time to time as well.

The boy fit right in with the group of unique people. Compared to normal, the day was so lively and energetic with these six surrounding him, he hadn't laughed in such a long time that it felt like freedom. The soul-keepers he worked with were all old and serious, that was if he even got to see the others. He was mostly alone with his work.

"Okay, let's take a bit of a break to eat and drink something, alright?" Namjoon spoke loud enough so that everyone could hear, his eyes lingering on Eunha's figure who had quietly started to fall back. At the vampire's words, the girl immediately let down the heavy bag from her shoulders, a sigh of relief escaping her plump lips.

"Already?" Jungkook asked in confusion. He normally walked the distance without taking a break at all and it had only been a couple of hours.

Jimin stepped next to the younger, hand patting his back, "I know, I know, we could have kept on moving," he vaguely pointed in the girl's direction who had plopped down in de tall grass, slowly sipping on some water.
"Bunny needs a break if we want her to keep up. You know how humans are with their weak stamina."

That was a total lie, because there had been moments where even he, with all his supernatural glory, felt so tired that he just wanted to rest, but the girl kept on walking without any whining (though she couldn't completely keep up with them).

Eunha rolled her eyes at the elf, ignoring his teasing and instead savoured the water she had been drinking. "Why don't you call him bunny? At least he looks the part."

Jimin glanced at the soul-keeper, his sparkling eyes settling on Eunha after as a playful grin spread on his face. "You do too, besides, if I were to call that muscle-pig bunny, I swear he's going to choke-slam me into an in-between universe."

Eunha slightly giggled at the image that appeared inside of her head at his words. "Fair enough, though who says I won't kick your butt for calling me that?"

Jimin let out an amused scoff, "You with what power? Your arms are like fragile wiggly noodles, you weigh nothing to me as well so you can't use that to your advantage either. Honestly, if you're able to beat me up, I'll stop calling you bunny as a reward."
A wide smirk was spread on his face, knowing fully well that the girl stood no chance against an elf.

Eunha stared back into his mischievous eyes, wanting to wipe that arrogant smirk off of his face so badly, but she really stood no chance. Not right now. She had no weapon.

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