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I stared out of the window in English, halfheartedly listening to my English teacher, Mrs. Potters.She was talking about our new book for the week and our homework assignment. We're going to be reading a book by William Shakespeare (whoop-die doo) called 'To Much Ado About Nothing'It's a book about two pairs of lovers, Benedict and Beatrice, and Claudia and Hero. So far that's all I really know. Mostly because I'm not really paying attention.I sat there basically dazed, as she went through telling us what we needed to do. As soon as she finishes, the bell rings and I get up slowly grabbing all my things and heading for the door.As soon as I'm out in the hall, I got stopped by Noah, of course. I turned around and he smiled at me grabbing my hand and leading me down the hallway.I blushed slightly, and my heartbeat sped up as he just casually keeps walking like this is a normal thing. He grins at me sweetly and then I give him a knowing smile."No. I will not do your homework." I stated, and his smile faded into an adorable pout that just about drives me mad. Not that I'm complaining."Emma! Come on, please," he begged, and I reluctantly let go of his hand to fold my arms."No." He looked at me in disbelief and I sighed, putting both my hands on his shoulders shaking him slightly."Now, Noah. You're my best friend and I love you. But that is a lot of work!" He sighs in defeat and folds his arms like a five-year-old."Fine. But it was worth a shot." He chuckles slightly and I smile and shake my head. He kisses me softly on the cheek and started to walk away."Gotta fly. See ya later." And with that he was gone. Leaving me there, awe struck. I laugh softly, where he kissed me felt cold and tingly now.I touched it and smiled. A bell rung and I flinched, snapping out of my daze, remembering where I was. I started looking around to make sure no one thought I was losing my mind.By now it's time for lunch, and since Noah won't be joining me today, I decide to skip out and go to the library to start the book. Its better then eating alone, I sighed and started to walk away.~•~I walked in my house, throwing the keys and the mail on the kitchen table. I loosened my hair from its cage and fluffed it walking over to the fridge."Mom! I'm home!" I yell out, pouring me a fresh glass of water. My mom rounds the corner holding something in her hand that I'm not really interested in."Hey sweetie! Where's Noah? I didn't see his car outside." I shrugged and sat at the counter."He couldn't drop me off. He had practice." She frowned slightly and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Here we go."Sweetie, you know I don't like you walking home alone. You should have called me." I stare blankly back at her and then give her an icy smile picking up a more sarcastic tone."You're right mom. I should have called you, and I could've," my smile vanished, "if I had a cell phone." She rolled her eyes and then came and sat next to me."Emma, we've talked about thi-" I snapped cutting her off."NO! You talked and I listened!""Hey! Watch your tone!""I don't care about my tone mom. What am I supposed to do? Walk around without a phone? That's like walking around with no shoes!""Emma, a phone is a want, not a necessity. You're not getting one and that's final!" With that she stormed off leaving me sitting there half sad and half annoyed. Why is she the one that's mad?It was way past midnight and after that... Disagreement with my mom. I was in my room doing killer homework. I've been doing out all day.I've got like three essays to write and on top of that I have to finish read that book from English.Somewhere between reading the book and answering these stupid questions about the book for starter homework, I found out that Benedict and Beatrice actually hate each other, and they despise the idea of being in love and getting married.To be honest, I think that they like each other. I don't know why they don't just admit it. You're one to talk, I thought to myself.I rolled my eyes at myself, realizing that I really am in no position to talk. I closed the book, and then started on my other homework for the night.Instantaneously, my computer beeped. I looked up at my computer and saw a message from Noah.*I hope you got your big girl pants on because Wednesday is movie night and I want a watch a zombie movie ;)I stared blankly at that message for three whole seconds and then sighed. I guess it won't be that bad. At least he remembered and didn't cancel on me.With that being said, I smiled and replied a simple "goodnight, Noah" and cut it off. I swear I love him to pieces!~•~The next day, I walked into my math class seconds before the bell rung. I took my usual seat by the window.Math was by far, the worst subject on earth. I pulled out my textbook and my notepad and got situated before the teacher and the rest of the students came in.The bell finally rung, and everyone came in. I looked at the door and saw Hazel, the girl from Ashlyn's party. She saw me as well, and smiled walking over to me enthusiastically.She sat herself in the desk next to mine. "Hi, Emma! Remember me?" She smiled and I nodded."Yeah," I said apathetically, "I do. What's up?" I asked, not really sure why though. What is up with my social skills?"Nothing really," she shrugged. "Just counting down the hours until I get out of this hell hole." I laughed at her a little, and then shook my head. "So! How was the rest of your weekend? Did you do anything interesting? Preferably, Noah." She winked and wiggled her eyebrows.I looked at her in complete and utter shock. The teacher walked in before I can say anything, and she looked at me with a sly smile on her face.I mouthed 'what the hell' to her and she just turned to face the board. I did the same, reluctantly, and looked in back of me at Ashlyn.How unfortunate was I to be in the same class as he? And not only was she in my math class but every other class too.I swear I can feel her eyes burning into the back of my head all day long! That's another reason why she knew me, and Noah were best friends... Well, that and the fact that she has been in school with us since Pre-K .I rolled my eyes remembering how much she used to torture me. In kinder garden she always stole the cookies my mom made for me.In the second grade she put gum in my hair, and I had to get it cut to my neck. Which, the joke was on her because I actually looked really cute like that.In the fourth grade she dipped both my pigtails in the red paint during art class. It had just freaked grew back! I had to walk around with red tips all day that day.In the sixth grade she told me I was fat and ugly and that no boy would ever like me, and I grew up thinking just that.She was a hell raiser all my life and she never stopped. It's like she's just this big destructive force in the universe and I'm the person she draws all of her negative energy from.I honestly don't know why Noah used to like her, and he probably still does. He always has had a soft spot for her. Though he never knew what she used to do to me.I never told him because he liked her so much and I didn't want to ruin his stupid first crush. Lost in thought, I didn't even notice that class was over until the bell rung and Hazel was standing by my side."Dude! You like totally zoned out. Thinking about No-" My eyes widened, and I clamped my hand over her mouth knowing full well what she was about to say."Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." I said slowly and quietly. I felt her smile in my hand and I let go grabbing my things and heading for the door.She wasn't too far behind me, and it wasn't long before she was right beside me smiling, as usual."Come on, Emma! Don't be this way! Just admit it.""No! And be quiet before someone hears you." I rolled my eyes making my way to my locker.Why was she doing this to me? I don't even know her! I opened it and put stuff in and took stuff out. She was still beside me begging for the information she wanted. God how did she even know?"Look. Hazel. It's been really nice, but I got to get to class so..." I trailed off and she rolled her eyes and sighed."Okay, okay, I'll stop." I smiled at her and then we started walking."So... How do you even-" She cut me off."Know?" I nodded and she smiled. "It's pretty obvious. Plus, I saw the way you reacted when they kissed... Plus I saw you guys holding hands... And I saw him kiss you... Which now that I think about it, it's a really friendly gesture, which can be took in a lot of ways." My eyes widened."Really?" She nodded laughing softly. At first, I was a little worried because I didn't know her, and I could feel myself starting to panic.She saw this and laughed, grabbing both my shoulders. "Relax!" She pulled a compact mirror from her bag and a dark pink lipstick, rubbing it on almost professionally. "I won't tell if you won't."She winked and put her things back in her bag. I smiled gratefully, and she threw her arm over my shoulder, then we started walking to the next class together."I don't know why you like him so much anyways. Justin Bieber has more sex appeal than him... and that's saying a lot." I smiled at her and shook my head."Come on. Give my best friend a little bit more credit. He is such an amazing person, and that's why I like him. Not because he's on the football team, or has abs, or is one of the funniest people I know, it's because I just do." She smiled and gave me a dirty look."You just said he has abs." I blushed realizing that I did, indeed say that, and she laughed. "Does he really though?""Yes. Apparently." She smiled and shook her head. We stopped in front of the class door."Oh, so you are doing him?" My eyes widened and my mouth dropped."No! I am NOT! He is my best friend I can see him shirtless thank you very much." I crossed my arms over my chest, and then pouted childishly."Yeah, whatever." I was a little shocked at how open she was. I would have NEVER said things like this to people, let alone someone I just met three days ago. The bell rung."Hey, I got to get to class. I'll catch you later." I nodded and opened the door to French. I sat down behind Ashlyn this time, so I wouldn't get death glares in my back.Mr. Milo (pronounced Meelow) walked in and sat his brief case on his desk. "Okay class," he started. "Today we're going to be learning about French Verbs, et etre." I groaned and slumped down in my chair. Will someone please explain what learning the French verbs is going to do for me in life.~*~I sighed standing in the lunch line with Noah. He was still trying to decide whether he wanted pizza or a taco.To be honest I don't know what the big deal is, they're both horrible. I swear he can be so melodramatic sometimes.I rolled my eyes when he got both and he looked at me and laughed. "What?" I cleared my throat and shook my head."Nothing. Just come on." I grabbed his hand and led him to the table. He was not sitting with Ian and his pack of mutts today.He always did that, and I pretty much sat alone, being that he was my only friend and the only other person I knew here was Jake and he was a definite "no."We sat down at the table and soon enough we were accompanied by Hazel. She pulled up a chair next to Noah and across from me.Noah was surprised at first but then he saw who it was and looked at her curiously. "Um... Girl from Chemistry. What are you doing here?"I laughed at him and she just all to casually threw her lunch on the table."I'm not here for you, Noah. Me and Emma are friends." She emphasized the 'friend' word and then looked at me.I was about to say something, but I was interrupted by someone else. "It's Emma and I." I looked up and saw Jake sitting down next to me, correcting someone he didn't even know. Hazel looked at him in pure disgust and I just sat there, quiet as a mouse."What?" She asked almost in a deadly tone, and then Jake shook his head."Nothing, it's just, that's not really proper grammar." Her eyes widened and I could see Noah trying to hold in his laughter.There was a moment of silence as she glared at him from across the table. "I am going to pretend that you did not just say that and again, I state. Me and Emma are friends."Jake rolled his eyes and then started eating his food. I was just wondering why they were here. Both of them. But I didn't ask because I didn't want to be rude. Besides... I started smiling eating my food as well. I liked the company.After lunch I was pretty much in the greatest mood ever... That is until I got to my locker with an unexpected guest waiting for me.She was leaning against my locker drinking her Starbucks coffee. (Yes, we have a Starbucks in our cafeteria) I walked over to her cautiously and then stood beside her."Um..." I trailed off, a little nervous. "Can I help you?" She looked up in surprise and then stopped."Oh. Um..." She looked like she wanted to tell me something, but then stopped and smiled nervously. "You know what? I-I just needed to... To stop for a minute, I didn't even realize this was your locker." With that she started to walk away, and I looked at her bewildered.That was strange. I began to open my locker but didn't have a chance as I was now being shoved into a supply closet before I could blink or even TRY process what was going on.The door closed and I was like two seconds away from screaming before her hand clamped my mouth. I looked at her absolutely horrified."Look. Here me out. I know me and you haven't been on the friendliest terms but- HEY!" I bit her hand and she screamed. "EMMA! What in hell?" I stepped back from her."What did you expect me to do?" I yelled back."Not that!" She looked at me wide eyed, nursing her aching hand. "Ugh! Emma! You mentalist!" I frowned at her insult and then scoffed."You. Just shoved me into a closet and I am the mentalist?" She dropped her hands and glared at me."Whatever. Look, I jus-" I cut her off abruptly, looking around."Why are we in a closet?" I raised a brow, and she scoffed."Because I don't want anyone who's cool to see me with you." She spat and I started biting my lip and sighed.She's kind of right. I think her talking to me would seriously ruin her rep. And I'm really surprised that it hasn't ruined Noah's. I shrugged and then leaned against the wall."So... What do you want?" She looked at me for a minute, her expression unreadable. Almost sad."I... It's true, huh?" She asked me softly. I was shocked by her tone of voice and even more shocked by the question."Wha...? I mean. Is what true?""That you and Noah are ... together?" My eyes widened and I looked at her confused. "I saw you guys... after English." Jeez. Did the whole school see us?"Um-" I started to say something, actually, I was about to confess to lying, but she cut me off."Ne-never mind. I got to go. You know. I was really hoping he liked me. I just want you to know. I wasn't going after him because I hate you. I really do like him..." She trailed off and I suddenly felt kind of sorry for her.She walked over to the door and opened it. Before she left, she turned back to me. "I guess everyone doesn't like me after all." With that she was gone. I opened the door going after her, to tell her that we weren't really together, but by the time I got out there she was gone.

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