24: What Are The Odds?

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Do you know what its like, to just wake up one morning and realize everything you ever knew to be true was actually based off of a lie that you made up in your own head?

That everything that you thought you were was actually not the person your were meant to be. But someone that someone else forced you to be?

And every person you ever knew, as a friend, or an acquaintance, or simply a person who just says hi, is so much more than you ever thought they really were.

That's how I felt right now. About my whole life.

About Noah.

About Jake.

About me.

I seemed to be stuck outside the very room that I was regretting having ever been near. I never knew that a door could be so challenging. But this one looked as if it was a puzzle straight from the labyrinth.

I stood there, staring at it. My heart was beating a mile a minute. It was almost as if it was yelling at me; daring me to open it, like daring yourself to say candy man three times in a mirror.

I crumpled my fist into a tiny ball, forcing myself not to burst through the door and yell "I'm a fool Jake, and I'm sorry" everything inside was screaming "do it" but I...I couldn't.

I let in a deep shaky breath, closing my eyes. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused right now. I like Jake so much. But I miss Noah like crazy. He's my best friend. My everything. There is no me without him. I love him. I just want him back. I just want everything back. Back to the way that it used to be. Everything changed so drastically, I couldn't even keep up.

"Emma?" I opened my eyes, jumping to the sound of a distant voice. I turned to the right of me, and saw Ashlyn coming towards me. "There you are! What're you doing?" I opened my mouth to answer, but she waved her hands cutting me off. "You know, it doesn't matter. We have to get home now, and change if we wanna get there on time." She started walking towards the exit, and I turned my head back to the door.

I don't know what my problem is. It's like a magnet attraction, this door. It's the only thing separating me from Jake. Well... Not the ONLY thing, I guess.

"Emma!" Ashlyn yelled, and whined from afar. I snapped out of my trance, and starting making my way towards her.

"I'm coming."


"Emmalee!" Ahslyn whined, shoving a dress into my face.

"Ashlyn!" I mocked, pushing it back.

"Just wear the dress, Emma! It's not gonna kill you to look pretty every once in a while." She stated, shoving it back at my face.

"Are you crazy!?" I yelled, pushing it back away from me in disgust. "That dress comes all the way up to here!" I yelled, pointing, four inches above my thighs. FOUR! "I'm not wearing that!"

"Emma. If you don't put this dress on, I'm not taking you. You can fish for a ride somewhere else." My eyes widened, and I gasped.

"Wha- you're joking right?" She gave me a look, that said "try me" and I sighed in mild defeat.

"I'm not kidding. Emma. I will leave your scrawny ass sitting right here in this room to think about your life."

"Dude that is so not tight." She shrugged, giving me a dead pan look.

"So is you looking like a fourth grader on my account. I mean, seriously? You could make an effort." I rolled my eyes, snatching the dress.

"Fine I'll wear it," I sated, as I walked over to the bed to sit the dress down. "but if people think I look like a slut, I'm blaming you." She clapped her perfectly manicured hands together, grinning like a six year old who gets to play dress up, and I stood, looming over the bed, goring the dress a look filled with revulsion.

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