18: Better Off Alone

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I opened my eyes sighing. Jake was still holding me like a baby, and I smiled at the realization. He was still sleeping.

I sat up slowly, trying not to wake him, and slung my legs off of the bed. At first I just sat there, getting used to the sunlight. Then I reached for my glasses on the side table and put them on. I stretched and then put my hair up in a messy bun.

I waltz in the kitchen and my mom was sitting at the table drinking her coffee. I grinned and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning mom!" She chuckled and looked at me, questioning my mood.

"Why are you in such a great mood?" I shrugged, opening the fridge. Poring myself a nice glass of water.

"No reason. How was the baby?" I asked, trying to turn the conversation around. She beamed and I sat down on the opposite side of her.

"He was adorable! Almost makes me wish I had another one." I laughed and took a swig of my drink.

"What did they name him?"

"Caleb. Isn't that cute?" I nodded and then she stood up. "Well I gotta head out. I'm having brunch with an old friend of mine."

"Okay. Have fun." She flashed me a smile before grabbing her purse and keys.

"Be good." She yelled, and within seconds she was gone. I ran out to the sitting room that was next to the front door and bounced on the cream chase. I peered out the window and watched my mom leave the drive way. As soon as I was sure she was gone. I hopped up and ran up the stairs.

Jake was still sound asleep, and a huge smile spread across my face. I jumped on top of him, and started to screamed.

"Jake! Wake up!" I started bouncing and shaking his shoulders until he groaned and opened his eyes. He squinted at the sunlight and I smiled.

"What is wrong with you?"

"My moms gone! Wake up! It's Sunday! It's the Lord's day!" I held both my hands out and stared up at the ceiling when I said 'Lord' and he laughed.

"I don't wanna get up though. I want to just stay here. You know your bed feels like a cloud." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"So I'm told. Get up! Don't be lazy. We have the whole day ahead of us!" I started to get off of him and then he grabbed me, pulling me down beside him. I shreaked and he laughed. "Why won't you get up?" I asked and he started to kiss down my neck. Making me smile.

"Because," he said against my skin.

"Because is not an answer." I said, immitating his earlier statement. He took my hair out of the bun that I put it in less than ten minutes ago. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him. "Up." I demanded and he smiled. He started kissing me and I had no choice but to kiss him back. Not that I'm complaining.

He stopped kissing me and sighed. "Fine. I'll get up. But you have to feed me." I scoffed he laughed.

"Like I tried to do yesterday? Real successful." He laughed and I kissed him again. I like kissing him. It's so fun. And romantic. Suddenly he stopped and gazed down at me.

"What's your favorite color Emma?"

"Yellow." I said softly and he smiled. "What's yours?"


"Nice. I used to like blue too. But yellow is such a happy color. Don't you think?" I asked him curiously and he nodded, smiling at me like I was heaven sent. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, raising a brow. And he sighed.

"Because..." He trailed off and I could tell that he was debating whether or not to say what he had to say. But then I second guessed myself when he started smirking.

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