19: Reality Bites Me

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Wow !! An upload already ! Don't y'all feel special !?!?

Nope ! I'm just bored and have absolutely nothing else to do with my life :p

Hope you like it !!! :))))))


Do you know what its like... to reach for the phone, and then have to pull your hand back because you remember you're not supposed to call anymore? You sit back with tears building up in your eyes because you know its not the last time you'll miss the conversations you shared.

I held my legs up to my chest, as a salty stinging tear fell down my face. I was cleaning up my room like my mom said earlier, and found one of those yellow flowers that Noah put in my hair, underneath my bed. I miss him so much it's crazy.

I know we don't talk anymore and there has even been times I've noticed we've walked right by each other without saying a word. There are those times, however, when we see each other... make eye contact... and I know, no matter how hard we both try and hide it... that he misses me just as much as I miss him. What I don't know, is why he acts like he doesn't care.

I know what Jake said was partially true, but still. He can't just automatically stop loving me. Even if it was never in the way I wanted him to. He did. And if somebody loves you, won't they always love you?

With that question ringing in my head, I wiped the tears away. I stood up and continued on my quest for cleanliness, not that my room was even dirty to begin with.

I got down to making up my bed, and stopped when I got a whiff of that familiar lemon scent. This bed still smelt like Jake. I rolled my eyes and threw the blanket over the bed. God is torturing me. First the phone, then the stupid flower, now this? Maybe I really do need to die.

It was almost six, so mom was down stairs making diner. I sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I picked up Jake's phone and turned it back on. I couldn't really get inside, because he had a password. But I could look at the picture of him on the background.

He's only been gone for seven hours, thirty-five minutes, and sixty-nine seconds - yes, I know the exact time - and I already miss him.

I sighed and rubbed my hand along the smooth surface of the phone. Wishing like hell I was touching him. I think I made a huge mistake. It's just Noah. I shut the phone off and tossed it to the other side of the bed, laying back and closing my eyes.

Within seconds I had drifted off into a steamy place. A place where I was scared as hell.

There was smoke coming from this way, and that way. It was hot as Satan's toenails. And I felt like I couldn't breathe. Then out of no where Jake appeared. Taking my hand in his. Then his grip tightened around it.

"Jake, you're hurting me."

"Why don't you love me Emma?" He asked angrily, and I shook my head.

"That's not true. I do. I do love you."

"No you're lying!" He grabbed both sides of my shoulders and I started to scream. "You don't love me! And it's all because of him." My eyes widened, as his eyes fixated on something behind me. I followed his gaze, and saw Noah.

He was lying down on the ground. Just like he was that day, in the place he took me. The atmosphere there was sunny and bright, just the way I remembered it.

I looked back at Jake, who was looking at me with that same hurt expression on his face. The last time I saw his face he looked like this. It almost made me cry. I never wanted to see him like that ever again. Yet my dreams were haunting me with it.

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