17: Guns 'N Roses

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The next day, when my mom left and we were half finished with our homework. I had found out just how crazy I was.

I tried to concentrate on what he was telling me to do, but I couldn't. I just kept looking at his mouth, remembering how it felt against mine. Like heaven.

Every time he looked at me I counted the colors in his eyes, and nodded when it was important. It's kind of ironic how, now that he wants to work, I can't.

I stared at him, gracefully leaning my head against my fist. I wore a v neck, spaghetti strap shirt that I knew showed off the little breast that I had. I know he noticed but I didn't care. I felt like such a slut. But I couldn't help the way he made me feel. He sighed and looked at me. I smiled inoccently and he rolled his eyes.

"Emma. You're not listening."

"Yes I am!" I said. He gave me a doubtful look.

"Oh really?" I nodded. "Then what did I just say?" I squinted. It was obvious that I didn't know the answer, so I decided to make something up.

"You... Said... That. You wanted to... Kiss me again?" He laughed and I smiled. Only it wasn't really a joke. I wanted. No - NEEDED - him to kiss me again. That's all I could think about last night. I could barely even sleep!

I decided that I wasn't gonna make any hasty decisions until I could talk to Noah face to face.

But that didn't mean I couldn't still make out with Jake in the meantime. And I know it's probably selfish of me, but... can you really blame me?

His smile faltered and I bit my lip. He just stared at me, and I couldn't even begin fathom all the immensity in his eyes.

"How about we just take a break?" He suggested and I shrugged, disappointed. But what was I really expecting? Him to pounce on me like some kind of leaping lizard? I chuckled inwardly. What a sight.

Sighing, I stood up slowly and then stretched. What was getting into me any how? I was becoming a sexually deprived, sadistic, corrupted, sick, kinky, promiscuous, slut! I was becoming Ashlyn.

I shuddered at the very thougt. Is this what it felt like to be her? Minus all the facial details, and bodily dimensions? I furrowed my brows so lost in thought, when I heard Jake laugh through his nose.

I looked over at him confused. "What?" I asked. My voice coming out slightly more irritated than I intended for it to be.

"You just look horrified is all. No need to get on the defensive side!" He held his hands up in surrender mode, chuckling. Rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"Well maybe I am! And anyways it's your fault!" This time he flat out laughed and sat on the couch. I followed his every move with my eyes, turning slightly, to meet his.

"Explain to me again. How it's my fault?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Because it just IS!"

"But that's not an answer."

"Because..." I trailed off frustrated and groaned because indeed it wasn't his fault. But me being, well... Me. I made him the problem. "You shouldn't have kissed me! I feel like such a slut! And you refuse to kiss me again! Plus. There is this really weird achy feeling inside of me and I do not like it! So YEAH! It's your fault!"

He laughed and shook his head. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. There is nothing funny about a thing I'm saying. He's just like Hazel. Making a joke out of everything. Why can't they be serious when it counted? His laughter finally died down and I looked at him once again. He stood up and smiled, but the amusement was clearly in his eyes which made me even angrier.

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