Chapter Two

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"This is worse than JFK International," Thomas said as we fought our way to the baggage claim. "Is it always like this?"

"No," I laughed grabbing our bags and bumping him towards the exit. "Only time the airport here is like this is when something big is happening, and with the corination, air and ground traffic will be hectic for the next couple of weeks."

"How can you be so calm?" Thomas grumbled as he got bumped into again.

"Freelance reporter," I smiled. "This is nothing compared to interviews I've done in other countries. Now come on,our ride will be at the South entrance."

"LayLay!" I heard a shout and I turned to see two people standing there.

"Sarah, Frankie," I squealed running up to them. "You guys are here."

"Duh girl," Frankie laughed as we pulled out of the hug. "Who's the cutie?"

"Girls this is Thomas," I smiled pulling him closer to me. "Thomas this is Sarah and Frankie, my two friends from grade school."

"Nice to meet you," Thomas smiled.

"Where my dad?" I asked helping Thomas set our bags in the trunk of the car.

"He was in a meeting," Sarah said. "So he sent us to get you. How does it feel being back?"

"Don't know yet," I shrugged climbing in the front. "I'm just here for my story and that is it."

"Okay," Frankie said. "Oh, we should warn you, Marcie has become a bitch."

"I know," I sighed. "Marcie was the main reason I left in the first place."

"Don't let her get to you," Thomas said reaching up and laying a hand on my shoulder. "We are going to show this girl that the new Layla doesn't get hurt by words."

"Thomas," I groaned.

"New Layla?" Sarah asked.

"Thomas and his girlfriend have made it their mission to turn me into this sexy and confident person instead of a shy, nervous, and innocent girl I really am."

"Whatever you're personality is you will always be our little LayLay," Frankie said and Sarah hummed her agreement.

"I'm only three months younger than you guys," I groaned. "And I am by no means little."

"We're here," Sarah announced pulling up to the servants entrance. "Benny will take you're bags to the room you two are sharing, but we promised you're dad that we'd take you to him as soon as you arrive."

"Benny?" I asked confused climbing out of the car.

"Sissy," I spun around and gasped at the teen in from me.

"Baby B," I whispered and he blushed.

"Benny, can you help Frankie take Layla and Thomas's bags to their room while we take them to see Joe." Sarah asked softly.

"No," he smiled giving me a quick hug before rushing to the back of the car.

"Oh my God," I whispered walking beside Sarah. "He's got so tall, still skinny but tall."

"He's on the track team at the high school," she smiled stopping at a door. "Stay here while I go find you're dad."

"Who was the kid?" Thomas asked after the door closed behind Sarah.

"He's the youngest of our group," I smiled. "He's names Benjamin Martel or Benny for short. He's sixteen seventeen years old, his dad's a diplomat that goes back and forth between all of the RCIT."


"Royal Countries International Treaties," I shrugged. "The royal families are working to end the fighting between them, the new kings and prince's came up with this plan."

"Sounds like that would make a good story," Thomas smiled.

"It would," a new voice said. "And what they are doing is very smart except their are some people that aren't​ very happy with the peace treaties."

"Daddy," I smiled stepping closer to my father who immediately pulled me into a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Daddy said kissing my head. "My little reporter, and this must be Thomas."

"It's nice to officially meet you sir," Thomas said shaking my father's hand. "Layla has told me lots about you."

"The same," Daddy smiled. "You have a meeting with King Randall and Queen Maria before dinner. Until then you can rest since you must be tired from the flight."

"That would be nice," I said biting my lip. "What room are we staying in?"

"The grey room," dad smiled. "I'll see at the meeting, but for right now I have work to do."

"I like you're dad," Thomas said and I laughed walking away from him. "What?"

"My dad has the power to take away you're photography and modeling career with just few words," I giggled pushing the door to the southwest wing of the castle. "Let's get to the room I want to get my computer hooked the the WiFi here and a shower before out meeting with the king and queen."

"I'm picking you're outfit," Thomas said and I groaned. "No arguments."

This note is for those of you that read Cortez's Runaway Wife, book two is posted.

Cortez's Little Secretary

Kenya has been trying to avoid her bosses brother since he started working from Cortez Corporation. He somehow always knows were she is and shows up driving her crazy, but when she joins a few other people from the office and she ends up drunk and does something she regrets.

Alecovich has been in love with is brothers secretary since he met her. After he goes to a club with his best friend ​he spots her sitting at the bar with a bunch of people staring at her, intent on taking her home he doesn't plan for her to jump him in his car or the surprise that comes after. Now he's trying to get her to accept him into her life.

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