Chapter Twenty-Six

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Two Months Later...  

"That's the last of it," Thomas said as he sat the last box of my things down. "Who knew you had so much stuff."

  "You did because you bought nearly everything I own," I said smiling slightly.

  "Whatever to do you...PUT THAT BOX DOWN!" he yelled when saw me carrying the box that had my bed sheets and pillows in it. "What have you been told about picking heavy shit up?"

  "No to because it puts a strain on my heart," I recited the sentence that has everyone treating me like a baby. "Thomas, its a really light box."

  "I don't care," he scowled and I pouted. "We came so close to losing you twice and none of us want to see you back in the hospital again."

  "I know that but what do you want me to do?" I groaned. "Sit around and do nothing. Thomas, you know I don't like doing that."

  "I know but you heard what the doctor said," he said.

  "Because the poison was in my blood system for so long it has affected my heart so back that I am at risk of having a fatal heart attack or if I put to much pressure on my body my heart could give out," I said. "I know, everyone has shoved those words down my throat for the past two months. I know how much I can handle and I haven't done anything that I wasn't supposed to do, so it would great if everyone would quit treating me like a baby."

  "We're just worried about you," Thomas said and I nodded. "Besides if you got hurt and are with me you do you think the boys and Ari are going to go after?"

  "You," I laughed. "How's Ari doing?"

  "She still gets a headache easily and bright lights hurt her eyes but she's getting better," he said. "God I had a heart attack when I saw her not moving in the middle of the hallway with Harrison dead a few feet from her."

  "Well at least she's okay," I mumbled looking down.

  "What happened wasn't your fault," Thomas said. "No one blames you for anything and besides we found out who it was before..."

  "A lot of people were hurt," I cried. "My parents, Ariel, and Ian, so many people nearly died..."

  "We all would do it again to keep you safe," he said.


    "No buts," he said sternly. "Now you go shower and I'll pick you out an outfit for the banquet tonight, okay?"

  "Okay," I mumbled and headed to the bathroom. 

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