Chapter Twenty-Three

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After getting to the dining hall where everyone was staring at a woman that was standing between Layla and Benjamin, I walked over to Nessa and the guys.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"Layla is the missing princess that is Nessa's cousin," Amir said and I choked on my breath.

"Bethany," Princess Talia said and the new woman scoffed walking up to Princess Talia and getting in her face.

"Don't you Bethany me, Talia," the woman yelled angrily. "You are nothing but a little brat that thinks she knows everything. Mother and Father knew that you wanted the crown and you would have gotten had you not married that fool you call a husband and brought him and his son into the castle. He killed our parents because they were changing the rules and were going to make me Queen, he killed them before the plans had been completed but then all of those plans had been stalled because of their deaths."

"You can't be queen," Talia yelled. "I'm the older sister, the crown is mine and you know that."

"It was your once," Bethany yelled. "Your mistake was marrying that con artist and murderer. For heaven's sake Talia he's trying to get Vanessa to marry his son that is her stepbrother, that man is abusive and tried to kill her when she was a baby."

"How would you know that?" Talia asked. "They were playing."

"He had a butcher's knife and was sliding the sharp side down her arm and across her neck," Bethany yelled. "You can't even accept that fact that that man has tried to kill your daughter."

"What do you know you had two bastard children," Talia snarled shoving Bethany back. "Who's their father or do you even know?"

"I know who my children father is," Bethany said. "Joe Sandro is their father and he is also my husband."

"WHAT?!" Talia yelled and I winced at the high pitched tone. "You married a poor man and you have the nerve to bash my husband."

"Joe is not poor," Bethany said calmly. "Joe is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I have always wanted to let everyone know that he is mine and I haven't been able to because you fucking husband threatened to kill him if I ever saw him again. Joe gave me two children that I wasn't able to raise because of the threat that your husband and stepson put on my family."

"Oh, and what threat would that be?" Talia asked and I moved over to the guards and had them release Joe and Brandon as they ran over to Layla and Benjamin as we watched the argument between Talia and Bethany.

"He tried to kill my children because they are the rightful heirs to the crown that you are stealing from them. He tried to have me killed by having the brake line in my car cut. Layla was attacked while here and I would put money down that either your husband or stepson were the ones to do it."


I was listening to my mom yelled at Princess Talia when I notice something glinting in the corner of the room and I soon as I realized what it was I pushed my dad away and ran towards my mom just as a loud pop sounded and I shoved mom and Talia to the ground just as pain exploded through my side and I fell to the floor. I heard yelling as I placed a hand on my side and when I pulled it away it was cover in warm, sticky, red blood wincing I looked over to my mom who was staring at me in shock before she started yelling but I could tell what she was saying as all the noises around me faded out. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Ian holding me and his mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him and the last thing I saw were tears rolling down his cheeks as I passed out.

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