Chapter Eight

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  I yawned as I walked down the pathway to the garage to meet up with Ian, finding I was the only one there except for the guard who was just nodded at me and walked away. Muttering incoherent I leaned against the wall wishing I was still in bed since it was so early and i was still getting use to the time change.

  "Morning," a husky voice said and I jumped looking to the side to see Ian smiling at me. "Ready love?"

  "Yeah," I mumbled following him to a white, red, and black Lamborghini Aventador Sv. "Where are we going anyways?"

  "It's a surprise," Ian chuckled and i glared. "You can sleep on the way if you want, it'll take a while to get there."

  "You're not going to kill me are you?" I asked wearily climbing into the car.

  "No," he smiled and closed the door leaving me to get situated and buckled as he climbed in the drivers seat. "I'll wake you up when we get close."

  Humming I slipped my shoes off  curling up in the seat and closing my eyes listening to Ian mess with the radio.


  I looked back over at Layla smiling at her peaceful expression before turning back to the road while I drove us to the other side of the island hoping she likes the surprise I have for her today. Growling when I felt my phone vibrate I slipped my headset on accepting the call.

  "What?" I snapped softly not wanting to wake Layla.

  "Where are you?" Amir's voice came through and I sighed.

  "I'm spending today with Layla," I said. "I'll be back around nightfall, so if this isn't important I'm hanging up now."

  "Have fun," Amir laughed and I cut the call grumbling as I pulled into the private gate that lead to the beach house and little stretch of sand and ocean. Smiling I climbed out and quickly walked over to Layla's side and carrying her inside laying her on the bed before running back out and grabbing my bag and the bag Thomas packed for Layla and the food baskets that I packed this morning.


  "On the patio," I replied to my name as I sat on the swing watching as Layla outside with an awed expression. "Feel better?"

  "Yeah," she smiled leaning against the railing. "I'm still getting use to the time change. Where are we?"

  "My private get away," I smiled grabbing her wrist and pulling her onto the swing with me. "I come up here to get away from everything. After dealing with Marcie the last two days I figured you'd want to get some free time for a little while,Thomas and Amir know that you're spending all day with me and that we'll be back later tonight."

"You've thought of everything," she laughed and I smirked. "It's been forever since I've seen the sun rise and set in natural settings."

  "That changes today," I smiled kissing her forehead as I swung us back and forth on the swing and watched the sun rise above the water.


  I spent all day just talking to Ian about different things, walked the beach collecting shells, and swimming in the water. Currently I was sitting between Ian legs as we watched the sun fall behind the mountains sighing in content I played with Ian's fingers as he chuckled amused.

  "I take it you enjoyed yourself today," he rasped into my hair.

  "Yes," I hummed. "Being a freelance reporter I don't get a lot of free time and when I do I'm usually working on editing my articles or looking for my next story."

  "You're just like you're father," he said and I shrugged.

  "I enjoy being a freelance reporter, even if some of my articles are with some very bad people."

  "I've read some of your work," he said and I tilted my head back so I could look up at him. "You're good at it but there have been a few times that I told Joe that I was going to drag you back here where you would be safe."

  "Why do I have the feeling you would actually do that either way?" I asked amused and he gave me a serious look.

  "You're family," he said running a hand through my hair. "And​ the only one who knows the real me, not the facade I put on for everyone else."

  "I like the real you," I mumbled moving so I could get up. "The real you is sweet, kind, and protective, while the other you is cold, hard, and expressionless. I remember when I first came to leave here I would get really bad nightmares and you would somehow always know that I needed someone to hold me you became my comfort person. Tell you the truth I kinda miss cuddling with another person, usually I'm cuddling my body pillow."

  "We can arrange for you to sleep in my bed," Ian said with a serious tone.

  "No," I laughed. "Ian, do you know how many rumors that would start and also you're sister and Diana would kill me, literally."

  "Fine," he pouted standing up and dusting the sand off his swim shorts. "We should​ probably get dressed and head back before Amir and Thomas start blowing our phones up.

  "Race you," I yelled shoving him before running towards the house laughing with Ian running after me.

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