Chapter Fifteen

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(Quick note: This means "Talking" and this means 'Writing'. Will be explained further in the chapter.)


   I was sitting on the couch in the library finishing up a few articles when something hit the floor startling me, closing my laptop I stood up and walked over to the book that was on the ground and setting it back on the shelf. Shaking my head I turned back around and froze when I saw a hooded man standing two feet from me.

  "King James will stop the treaty or his queen will die," the man said in a cold voice.

  "What?" I as confused before screaming when he lunged at me and wrapped his hand around my throat squeezing tightly and I stated clawing at it trying to breathe. Gasping I fought to stay awake as dark spots started dancing across my vision and the man dropped me and I immediately started sucking in air for my deprived lungs.

  "That is the last warning, next time you will die," the hooded figure said walking away and I pressed my panic button just before everything went black.


  I was going through the security footage from the shooting trying to a clear image of the hooded figure that seemed to be giving order when my bracelet that connects to Layla's panic button started beeping. Cursing I jumped up and ran towards the library knowing that she said she'd be there working, sliding to a stop I saw her laptop on the couch and looked around finding her on the ground by a bookshelf.

  "Layla," I said softly turning her on her back before growling when I saw her neck. Scooping her up in my arms In ran towards the medical wing of the castle and kicked the door open.

  "What the..."

  "She's hurt," I said gently laying Layla on a bed. "Looks like someone tried to crush her windpipe."

  "Dear lord," the doctor said and started gathering equipment before looking over Layla. Grabbing my cell I sent a text to a friend telling him to get his and the boys asses here cause this has gone too far.

  "How is she?" I asked thirty minutes later when the doctor went over to his desk.

  "Severely bruised neck, damaged vocal cords, and she will have a hurting throat for a while." He said. "In all honesty it looks like someone targeted her and wanted to kill her before stopping."

  "This was supposed to be an easy nonthreatening job," I growled before running over to the bed when I heard a groan.

  "G-gun-ner," Layla cough wincing as she held her throat.

  "Don't talk," I said softly. "You have a badly damaged throat."

  "I take it the two of you are close," the doctor laughed after Layla gave me her famous 'no-shit-sherlock' look. "I'm Dr.Tobias you were brought here after your friend found you. Do you remember what happened?"

  Layla nodded and I handed her the notebook and pen I always carry around for her to use, after a minute she turned the paper around so we could see it. 'A hooded man cornered me and said that this was the last warning for the treaties to be stopped, next time King James's queen will die.'

  "Who the fuck is King James?" I growled and Layla scribbled on the same piece of paper.

  'King James is Ian. James is his first name and I an is his middle.' Layla wrote and I glared at her and she shrugged writing something else down. 'I'm thirsty.'

  "Dinner is being served at the moment," the doctor said. "Although some advice I wouldn't speak for about a week so your vocal cords can heal and stick to warm liquids for a while. Tea with honey will help coat your troat and help with the pain."

  'Thank you,' Layla wrote and carefully climbed off the bed.

  "Come back at the end of the week and I'll look over you again."

  "Let's go danger prone Layla," I sighed and we headed for the dinning hall but stopped at the kitchen requesting some warm soup and tea.


  After finishing the meeting with Nessa we all headed to the dining hall and I was sad to see that Layla wasn't there. After twenty minutes the door opened and Gunner walked in with Layla behind him and several gasps were heard and I growled when I saw Layla's blue and purple neck.

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