Chapter Eighteen

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  I was sitting in Ian's office working on editing my notes from the other day when the door was thrown open and Benny stumbled threw.

  "Hi sissy," he smiled and I shook my head closing my laptop. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

  "Yeah," I said glancing at my watch. "I'm about to go get ready. Are you going, Bubba?"

  "I don't know what to wear," he mumbled and I sighed grabbing his hand and pulling him after me with Tyson following us. "Where are we going?"

  "Your room," I said stopping at the door. "Ty, can you go get my garment bag and other things laid out on my bed, please? I'm going to help Benny get ready."

  Tyson nodded and I shoved Benny into the room closing the door and heading towards the bedroom closet finding half of his clothes. Biting my lip I looked at Benny then at the clothes before snapping my fingers and grabbing several items of clothing.

  "Shower," I said pointing at the bathroom and Benny quickly made his way in there and when I heard the water start I quickly set to sorting his outfit up when my phone dinged.

~Do you want to arrive with me? -Ian

~I'm arriving with Benny. -me

:( See u soon. -Ian

  Smiling I shook my head at Ian's texts when I heard a knock on the door before it opened revealing Tyson and Russ holding my things I had set out this morning.

  "Thanks, guys," I said making sure I had everything before turning back to them.

  "Your father would like to speak to you before you join the party," Russ said and I nodded watching them leave just as Benny came out of the bathroom.

  "Put that outfit on while I shower," I said grabbing my undergarments and makeup kit before rushing into the bathroom and quickly washing my body since I had washed my hair this morning. Climbing out I dried off and pulled my undergarments on before putting my makeup on which consisted of pink lipgloss and mascara.

  "Still not a big fan of makeup," Benny laughed and I shook my head pulling my dress out of the garment bag and slipping it on before going back to the bathroom and fixing my hair into an elegant bun and slid a comb that sort of looked like I was wearing a crown.

  "We need to go see dad before the party," I said slipping my heels and grabbing my clutch that had my phone, handheld recorder, lipgloss and a few pieces of gum before we exited the room heading towards my father's office finding him paced behind the desk. "Daddy?"

  "Layla, Benjamin," he sighed coming around the desk and pulling us into a hug. "Are you two alright?"

  "Fine," Benjamin said and I nodded watching his facial expressional relax some.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  "Princess Talia has been snooping around and she found the picture of her sister holding a toddler and a newborn baby," Dad said and I glanced at Benny who held a shocked expression.

  "So she's getting closer to finding her missing sister and her kids?" Benny asked and dad nodded. "What can we do to help?"

  "Stay away from her," dad said. "She may start asking you two questioned that you don't know the answer to and if you let something slip she could have me and Brandon arrest for withholding information on Princess Bethany and her children."

  "We will," I said hugging my father with Benjamin following suit. "I need to speak with Ian so we'll see you later."

  "Love you, sweetie," dad smiled kissing my forehead.


  "Quit pacing," Amir said and I looked up groaning scanning the room for Layla. "She'll be here so calm down."

  "What if she was attacked again?" I stressed staring at the door. "Maybe I should go find her."

  "Find who?" 

  "Where were you?" I asked pulling Layla into my arms relieved that she was here.

  "Dad wanted to talk to me and Benny for a minute," she smiled. "Sorry if you were worried."

  "I always worry about you," I mumbled resting my chin on top of her head. 

  "I know," she giggled. "But you shouldn't it will give you gray hair before your time."

 "Sissy, I'm going to find my dad," Benjamin said and Layla turned nodding at him.

  "Stay close to one of the guys," she said and he nodded rushing off.

Ian's Curvy Princess Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon