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Falling with eyes closed tight, she never hit the ground like she planned. Arms wrapped around her, the crowd gasping at the sigh of her falling figure. Many people knew better, she was certain that her dad knew better but with the cameras now focused so clearly on herself she knew that he wouldn't risk something so small when the people of her district were paying attention to her.

The arms around her lessened and Terra could feel herself being handed off to someone else- stronger arms held her, scooping her into their arms and carrying her away from the shouting. She lay limp in their arms, swaying as the person moved and the sun over head disappeared.

She felt cool as she was suddenly placed in the shade, the heat melting away as cool air conditioning met her skin. She was inside the Hall of Justice, the hum of chatter reaching her ears through the heavy doors.

Being placed on a comfortable surface, air brushed around her face, someone was fanning- a cool cloth being placed on her brow.

"Is she alright?" Terra could hear Peeta whisper to the person caring for her.

"She's fine, it was a reaction to the heat. We don't get out in the sun a that often anymore," Wilber lied easily and Terra needed to hold back the smirk that was fighting to get through.

Nearly every day in District 10 was spent in the sun, every citizen having no place to hide from the heat and learning to live with the way it feels. Other than the hurricane season that plagued them and the livestock yearly, it was always sunny with the exception of the occasional rain.

The lie was a good one though, the heat an easy excuse for her poorly executed plan to prevent a riot among the district.

"The silly girl should have had more to drink," Wilber muttered.

Water from the cloth on her forehead dripped down the side of her face, leaving a clear trail on her pale skin. Her face was not red, discrediting her story further. Deciding that this had been drawn on long enough, Terra began to move around, soft moans falling passed her lips and she fluttered her eyelashes before finally focusing on the people around her.

"Oh, hello," she greeted, her voice sweet and composure unfamiliar. This was the act she needed to put on, her role assigned by the President. "You must be Peeta and Katniss, you both had such lovely speeches."

The newest victors blinked at her in surprise, her big, tired eyes taking them by surprise. Terra smiled at them, gaze flickering to the escorts and the mayor of her district along with the peacekeepers that stood by.

Camera's had followed them into the room, watching as the seen played out. A beloved victor, the sweet and innocent little cowgirl had 'fainted' on live television and apparently, the Capitol wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Hello, Haymitch, how have you been since the last games. I never thought I'd see you so soon," Terra grinned at the man. She sat up in her seat, taking the cloth from her head and tossing it in his direction.

He caught it easily, shooting it back at her face with a smirk. "I wouldn't be seeing you if it wasn't for this horrible heat."

Laughing openly, she stood to her feet slowly for show - mindful of the fact that she had supposedly just fainted. Making her way to Haymitch, she looped her arms around his torso and gave a tight squeeze. He groaned at the strength she possessed, he reciprocated the hug as forceful as he could.

A hand wrapped around her elbow, pulling her back and towards the people from her own district. The Mayor beamed at her, offering her the opportunity to join them for lunch featuring the delicacies of their district.

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