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She wakes to twinkling music, a raw throat and a sharp pain in her leg, a parachute comes gliding down, landing on the ground directly outside the Cornucopia and it's more of a struggle than she would ever admit to draw herself up and crawl her way to the basic, small jar.

Taking it in hand, Terra remembers what it meant to receive a gift, tjat someone was rooting for her, wanting her to win, and that something she's done must have been worth it to earn a reward. She had never been quite so popular last time, not enough to earn a gift, but as she cracks open the metal and finds a small tube, barely anything, and cracks it open to show a red gloop. Working a small amount onto her hand, she sighs when the cut on her palm cool significantly, soothing the burn that she didn't notice before.

She made quick work of hastily pulling off her makeshift bandage and tugging at her pants, revealing a nasty looking cut from her spinning and thrashing in the water. She grimaced at it, nose turning up at it, she poured a decent amount onto the injury and began to smooth it out with pursed lips and a clenched jaw. The relief was instant against the raging throbbing that she felt before, but she knew it wasn't enough to heal it regardless of whatever medicine technology they had sent her.

Looking up at the sky, she saw it was beginning to grow light with the slow coming if dawn and decided that she had at least slept enough and decided that if she needed to get started on finding water and looking for the Careers. Her leg screamed against each step and she was forced to simply work through it as she swung the hammer at her side as she moved down the nearest spoke with until the end - mentally preparing herself for the sting of salt and the ache that swimming would give her already tired body. After flipping around pointlessly in the tsunami she was sure she was going to be aching for a while.

The beach was still relatively bear of signs of life aside from a few prints in the sand and speckles of blood. She scrunched her nose up at the sight, not wanting to imagine the scuffle that must have occured to closely to where she slept without having alerted her.

Her dive was sloppy but the cold water was like a shock to her system, and if she wasn't wide awake before she certainly was now. Terra took her time swimming to shore, opting to stay as low below the surface as she dared and only came up to breathe when she need to - taking the time to observe the land as best she could in case someome tried to sneak up on her. As safe as she could be, she shuffled her way back on to the sand cautiously, nervous after the experience from the last time, and dropped to her knee, digging through the bag pulling out the rope that had been sitting there uselessly until now.

Deft fingers made quick work of tying it up so it made a District 10 worthy lasso, something that she had learned to do since she was little and helping her parents prep for a day of work - a repetitive training of over and over and over and over until her small fingers would be stiff and nearly blistered. She smiled bitterly up at the sky and lifted the knot for show, demostrating her accomplishment to them, a reminder that she still remembered and would never be able to forget. 

Motion started a littls further down the beach and Terra darted to the treeline with a startled gasp, laying her back against the nearest tree and peeking through the think folliage. She was tired, exhausted, but the sight of Wiress sitting in the water and washing her face made a burst of energy flare alive in her chest, more so as she heard Johanna's distinctively loud voice. Excited more than anything else, she left her hidding place and went to raise her hand in greeting when she heard the frightened shouts and saw the blood dripping down from Wiress' neck, Gloss standing behind her.

There was a shot of an arrow and more motion from the trees and Terra launched herself into action - lasso coming back into hand and spinning expertly at her side before she let it loose, a grin making its way onto her face as Cashmere's arms were forced to her side and tugged harshly, sending the older woman back onto the sand.

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