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Rising higher and higher, the sensation of loosing herself grew as her stomach twisted and knotted itself with a flurry of regret and something very much like anticipation.

The tight training clothes felt suffocating, restricting in its hold on her as she felt like the glass walls of the elevator were beginning to close in. Alone, Terra couldn't shake the sight of haunting blood that dripped down the walls and pooled at her feet.

She was escaping everyone else, going up to her hopefully empty floor to hide from everyone and everything until the next time she needed to go to training. Training that now had much more meaning at the fact that she was responsible for keeping others alive when she didn't even know if she could save herself.

Terra scratched at her head, wanting to tug down her hair from where it was pilled up. Her head was pounding, the lights burning her eyes, and she just wanted to hit something repeatedly. Katniss was ruining everything, destroying the carefully build card house that was her sanity and crumbling it with a wild fire of an emotional rollercoaster.

Protecting Finnick was her one true goal, her one true wish in life, but now the tributes of district 12 were to rely on her without even knowing. And Lux, poor Lux was washed into her whirlwind or chaos and was stuck dealing with the same horrible mess that she was because of some real star crossed lover affair that she had found herself in.

These games were a mess and all that stupid little Katniss had to do was be compliant and follow the rules for just a short amount of time without angering anyone. Instead she had to go and get everyone virtually killed because she couldn't part with a boy she didn't even love.

She released and angry shriek, lashing out she slammed a fist into glass. It did little other than hurt her hand but it felt good, better than expected and she could already imagine the purple and blues that would bloom across her skin in splotches that were some of the most intimate patterns.

When the doors finally opened, she stormed in like a woman possessed. Lux could deal with the people downstairs - he had always been the more approachable one. Terra startled the Avox in the corner as she snarled and tore apart a throw pillow that was resting on the low couch, unsure if it was rage fueled strength or the product of years and years of manual labour in her district.

A plan. She needed a plan and one that would fit the idea that everyone had of her. They all expected to see something like the little girl that had killed out of an angry will to survive. A girl that wanted nothing more than to cause pain to those that tried to hurt her. This time they would all expect her unpredictable ability to defend herself, to know that she would hunt down her enemies.

Terra would, hunt down her enemies that is. She would search out all those that stood in the way of her task.

The career pack would be a great start, for show. They would expect her to go for them and to steer clear of her friends. Then she would go for all those that Haymitch told her did not agree with the protection of the precious mockingjay.

It would be necessary that her weapons of choice be available for her, a hammer and whip that she could grab in the beginning tussle. Her and Lux would need to join together quickly to tear their way through to the cornucopia, for sure they wouldn't get what they wanted if they went in alone. Together they would be protected, could watch each other's back.

A shaking hand reach into her line of sight and pulled her from her thoughts. The tiny Avox girl before her held out a green drink concoction that smelled fruity and looked to be a freshly made smoothie.

Terra smiled kindly, accepting the beverage and squeezing the girl's hand in a clear thanks that she wouldn't be allowed to voice. The girl nodded, dipping her head to hide her smiled, before slipping off into a side room.

Sell my Soul⇸Finnick Odair [1]Where stories live. Discover now