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Such a simple thing it was to watch him as he weaved a net from the threaded vines, something sturdy that he could use to fight, but it filled her with a certain sense of comfort and calm that she found if alright to lay back in the as the waves lapped over her legs with her hair wet and down around her - drying in the sun, completely unconcerned about burning. She knew Finnick would warn her to move when she needed to from the way he kept looking back to check on her.

It felt almost like she was there in District 4 visiting him on the shores as a special favour permitted to her, or even sitting back in on of the fancy rooms in the palace or the tribute centre where they would have a free run of the place. So many times had she been called away from her district like it was nothing that Terra found some of her best memories away from her house and her family, and all of her happy ones to be with Finnick.

There were few things she loved about back home, the hill side, the familiarity as the place she had grown up, the animals, and her brother's littls family, but she didn't have much to tie her there anymore. This, a place simple, with no crazy jungle and no one trying to kill her, Terra could have lived on a beach like this with the few people she trusted. If life were simpler she would have taken to the coast and become a hermit never needing yo show her face again.

Splashing came from ths water and Terra looked up from her sprawled position, grinning at the way that Peeta moved jerkily as Katniss tried to teach him - something that was hilariously similar to the way she was when she first learned with Finnick holding her and Mags and Annie laughing nearby. She shook the memory away, a pang of grief hitting her hard at the thought of Mags after only learning what happened to the dear woman last night. Mags, Lux, Blight, Wiress, Woof and Cecelia, Seeder, and Heller, she felt a pain that struck through her, resounding and seeping through to the marrow of her bones, and it took all of her concentration to push it away and focus on where she was now, of the truth of where she was now.

"Hey Finnick! Come in, we figured out how to make you look pretty again," Katniss calls, and she shifts, looking over at him and the scabs that he had explained to her, had groaned and moaned about in an attempt to explain why he apparently didn't look his best.

When he joined them in the water, shedding his shirt, Terra moved over and took his place, shaking Johanna awake and getting Beetee's attention.

"I think I'm going to leave," she starts softly, keeping an eye on the others to make sure Finnick doesn't overhear. "I have to deal with the Careers." 

"You can't leave, not to face the two alone," Johanna hissed.

"I'm working on a plan to take care of the Victors. It would be better for us all to stick together," Beetee tells her, clearly going for the rational attempt to persuade her instead of Johanna's fight everything approach.

"And what of Chaff? He's wandering around alone out there," she pressed. "We can't leave him alone while you set some intricate trap."

"Chaff knows to find us, T. He knows what he has to do," Johanna snaps, a fire burning in her eyes.

Terra breathes deeply through her nose. "Then you know this is what I'm supposed to do. I can't finish up my list by staying here on the beach with you."

Johanna snarls and jumps to her feet, jogging down the sand until she reaches the water. "Finnick! Finnick!"

"Stop! Shut up, Johanna!" She chases after her , linping only a little after the medicine has taken it's affects.

"What? What's wrong?" He calls, running from the water to join them on the shore.

"Terra has decided it's time for her to leave so she can go hunting after 2," the girl informed, hands coming to rest on her hips as she mimics giving good news.

Sell my Soul⇸Finnick Odair [1]Where stories live. Discover now