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The glass was disarmingly clean, the tube that surrounded the little circular platform easily leaving behind the imprint of her hand as she pressed against it, mouthing a goodbye to Azolla as she waved sadly as she sniffled into a handkerchief.

It was hard not to roll her eyes at the absurdity of the notion, as though they hadn't both been here before with her wearing a suit that was nearly the same as her last one, something that prepared her if only slightly with the knowledge that it would be hot with possibly little water. A suit that did little to hide the love bites proudly displayed across her throat from where she let Finnick get close.

She knew that he had done so on purpose to try and up her interest with the Capitol, to remind them that she was worth keeping, that she was loved and cherished by someone. Knowing him, he had probably also meant it as a mark for the other victors, a reminder of who she was to him and if Terra didn't love him so much she would have skinned him for it.

Though never would she have denied the way she treasured the feel of his lips on her skin or how closely he held her at night.

The jerk and lift of the elevator bringing her up into the arena has her squeezing her eyes against the sudden brightness and Terra finds herself counting under along with the gong like timer and trying to match her breathing to it in order to slow her heartbeat.

She could see the Cornucopia directly across from her, a shining silver in the blinding sun surrounded by war on all sides with only a number of land stips leading to it. On her right, much to her luck, Chaff stood rolling his shoulders and peering down at the water. On the left was Brutus and Terra nearly choked when he met her gaze, grinning viciously.

Clenching her jaw, she turned away with a frown and looked around for Lux, counting off the career pack as she went and cursing the plotting that placed them all so close together from the beginning.

She would need to be quick and as the timer ends she launched herself forward into the water with a clear cut dive that she sent a silent prayer to Finnick for having so graciously taught her. What she would have done without him was truly beyond her. Not that fast, Terra knew she just needed to be faster than Brutus so that she could get a weapon before he did.

A hand wrapped around her ankle yanking her backwards and Terra found herself being forced further underwater. She clamped her mouth shut and spun around the best she could while trying to right herself. Feeling herself being pulled back further and knowing that those horrible gamekeepers would be readying a stupid cannon for her if she didn't rise to the surface soon, Terra lashed out with a harsh kick watching as it hit him in the jaw enough to turn his face away from her before she kicked again sending his chin jarking back and getting him to let go of her quick enough.

Breaking through the surface with a strangled gasp, she peddled back as fast as she could, preparing to have another go at him but was grabbed under the arms instead and was tugged upwards.

Shrieking and thrashing, she was dropped onto the land mass and found a pack shoved in her face. "Hurry," Finnick breathed, and Terra was looking up to him with a gasp as her chest continued to heave.

Nodding, she rose to her feet and made quick work of darting down the strip, knowing he was close at her back. She could see them, glinting in the light leaned up against the Cornucopia meant especially for her - a beautiful hammer with a longer handle than she was used to intending to give her a longer range, something to keep up with the fancy swords that most careers practiced in. Close by, within arms reach was a set of fancy knives ranging in different sizes, a generic black handle that would fit well in the hand and Terra grabbed them as she passed them by, holding them close for Lux when she found him.

Sell my Soul⇸Finnick Odair [1]Where stories live. Discover now