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The day ended quickly, the night setting in the district leaving the air much cooler and lighter than the humidity that plagued them during the day. The sun was no longer visible, the horizon pink in the distance.

Not many people roamed the streets, most feared venturing out after night began because of the peacekeepers that were out in heavier numbers. It was easy to understand but Terra was no longer scared of peacekeepers.

Walking through her village with her head held high, Terra had changed into simpler clothes- basic pants and a shirt. Tiny scars were visible on her bare skin but she didn't think much on it- she had familiarized herself with the looks she received from the people and had thus learnt to ignore them.

Moving with a clear destination in mind, it was easy to make her way back to a place she had memorized all routes to. She could pick up the sight of her childhood home in the distance, the grand pastors and the hill that stood next to it.

The home was dimly lit, candles burning in the windows and small lamps lighting the home from further within. They also had a light on but never burning this bright.

Terra could not wrap her head around how dumb they were being, how suspicious they were being. They drew attention to themselves when they already had eyes on them from being her family. They were signaling themselves out when they were already one of the few fortunate people of the district that had eyes on them.

It was easy for her to get mad at them, t was always easy for her to get mad and after her games it became so much easier. Clutching at the necklace that she hid underneath her shirt, she took deep therapeutic breaths to calm herself before she entered the home yelling.

Her parents house was as she remembered it, the same old and rustic style with a perfectly cared for garden that her mother attended to after dinner each day when the sun was just about to set. They lived with he same routine, one that wouldn't just break in six years.

Standing outside the home, she could already hear the loud voices of the men inside- deep and angry. The women's voices were sharper, more distinct, and memorable. She shook her head at how reckless they were being, how they were endangering the lived of he children that could be heard playing in the grazing field.

Letting herself into the home, she wasn't surprised by the unlocked door. Everything was eerily the same as how she had last seen it, the room growing quiet as she stood in the doorway- people watching her closely, utterly shocked that she was even here.

Brown, that was the main colour of home. The wall and most furniture being made from wood when they cleared the forest for the fields. Through the crowd of people, she could see a line of photos of her siblings- a luxury that many could not afford. Terra clucked her tongue when she noticed her own had been removed.

A man stood tall in the center of the room pushing through the people around her, fury written on his face and she righted herself, meeting his angry glare head on fist clenched tightly at her sides. He had dark hair that matched her own, and muscles from years of hard labour. No longer did he look like the kind man she remembered.

She could see as he shook with barely controlled rage, sneers from the people behind sent her way. She could make out the face of her brother and his wife at his side, the twins and her mother stood close behind.

"Father." The word was foreign in her mouth, bitter and unfamiliar. His shaking increased and she had the fleeting thought that he might try to hit her.

"You're no daughter of mine," he snarled at, every part of his giant stature trying to intimidate her from his home.

"Right because I lived when I should have died? I'll remember that next time I'm reaped, yeah?" Terra could hear the disdain in her own voice and was not surprised when her father began to practically foam at the mouth.

Sell my Soul⇸Finnick Odair [1]Where stories live. Discover now