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Italic words means the flashbacks, kay?


The beginning..

"Good afternoon, can I get your order?" You smiled brightly at the customer. "One Americano, please." She said as she paid for her drink. "One Americano, coming right up. Please wait a moment." You smiled as you gave the order to your barista friend.

You love your job. You love your friends. You love your life. You love everything.

Everything seems perfect for you. Except for one thing. You lack of love and attention which make you feel empty and all alone sometimes.

"Hey, it's the same guy again." Emma, your barista friend nudged on your elbow while pointing at a direction secretly. She put the Americano beside the cashier machine.

Your eyes saw the guy that she was talking about. "Just ignore him-here's your order, thank you, come again!" You handed the drink carefully to the girl.

"But seriously, I think he likes you. I can see it from his eyes!" Emma whispered excitedly with her eyes still on the guy. You couldn't help but blush a little. You were kinda annoyed with him since he came to your workplace almost everyday but then you have to admit that he's just your type.

"Sssssh! You're so loud." You covered Emma's mouth with your palm. She nodded while laughing softly then you let go of her. "Where are you going now? Going to ask for his number?" She teased you. "Toilet, Emma, toilet." You chuckled softly before you left to the toilet.

While you were walking to the toilet, you made an eye contact with the guy. It feels like the whole world stopped for a while when he smiled at you. That plump lips and that gentle eyes that makes your heart stopped.

You accidentally bumped your head to the toilet door and you immediately squated down to hide your red forehead. "Ouch.." You muttered under your breath.

"Are you okay?" A soft and gentle voice asked you. You slowly looked up and found the guy was already in front of you. "Uh-yea. I'm fine." You grinned shyly before you took his hand and got up.

He pointed at your forehead with a small smile on his face. "Oh damn-" You quickly covered the red mark. He chuckled softly.

"My name is Caleb. Caleb Edwards." He finally said. You repeated his name inside your mind and you don't know why but it feels just perfect. "I'm Hannah. Hannah Quin." You smiled softly.

"That's a beautiful name." He smiled and you just bowed a little. "Well-I'm going to the toilet now, excuse me.." You quickly turned around and stormed inside the toilet.

You stared at your own reflection on the mirror and you just realized your cheeks were pink-ish already. "Caleb ..." You whispered his name softly.


"See you tomorrow, Hannah!" Emma squeezed your shoulder gently. It was your turn to close the café so you have to stay longer to clean the place. "Aye! Be careful okay? Text me when you're arrived." You waved at Emma.

"Will do, buddy. See you!" She waved back and left.

Twenty minutes later, you finally finished with your work. When you stepped out from your work place, you were surprised with what you saw.

It was Caleb. He leaned on the glass wall with his hands inside his jacket's pocket. His soft bangs fell to his beautiful forehead. "Hi. Finish already?" He greet you before he sneeze.

"I thought you went home already??" You quickly put your scarf around his neck. "Yeah, but it's your turn to close the café today. It's pretty late for a girl to walk all by herself." He chuckled softly.

Both of you stared at each other's eyes and you were almost hypnotized by her dark brown eyes. "Why?" Your lips moved by its own. "I mean-you come almost everyday and now you're waiting for me. It's-weird."

He lowered his head as he smiled a little. When he looked up, his eyes caught your eyes again. "It's not weird. It's-" He covered his grin with the back of his hand shyly. "How should I say this-"

He took a deep breath, "Hi, my name is Caleb and I like you, a lot. So is it okay if I ask for your number and fill the empty space in your heart?" He finished his sentence with his burning cheeks.

You just realized. That moment when he finished that sentence, he actually already locked inside your heart.

You smiled while staring at him with your teasing look. "I'll think about that." You turned around and walked away with a shy smile plastered on your face. Caleb knew you just teased him so he jogged to catch up with you with a wide smile.

"Your number, pretty please?" He got on his knee while offering you his phone. You took his phone and type your number. "Here." You gave his phone back to him.

You laughed softly through your nose when you saw his happy face. Then both of you walked together until you reached your small penthouse. "You live alone?" He asked and you nodded. "My father is gone and my mom already married with another man. So-"

Your heart melted when his warm patted your head softly. Since your parent divorced, you never feel that kind of feelings that he gave you. "It's okay, I'm here for you." He smiled softly.

He waited until you reached your room. Right after you arrived, you immediately ran to the window to look for him. Your phone suddenly ring and when you saw the caller ID, it was him. Caleb.

"Hello?" You pick up the phone and your eyes finally found him. He waved at you and you waved a little at him.

"Hannah, I really really really like you. I hope you can open your heart for me."

You paused for a moment, "You better keep your words. You might won't be able to get out from my heart after you step inside." You said while smiling at him.

You could hear his soft laughing sound. "I don't think I want to get out from your heart. I'll stay there forever and you'll stay inside mine forever too."

The way he talked, stared at you, smiled at you, touched you, it makes you feel loved. And you love that feeling. You missed that kind of feeling. "If you promise, I'll give you a chance." You finally said.

"I promise.."

You also realized, that night, after he promised you, he was already inside your heart and you already locked him inside permanently. Your mind, your soul, your everthing, you couldn't think about anything else but him. And only him.

Your Promises जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें