Arkham!Dick Grayson x reader

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Y/n's pov

I was working to help the BHPD while Nightwing was in Gotham helping Batman with Penguin's caches.

"Thanks for helping us sh/n" said the cheif.

"No probs cheif" I said before leaving.

                ~small time skip~

I got back to an apartment that I share with Dick and when I got home I took a shower. After my shower I decided to watch TV. An hour later I heard a window close little harshly and footsteps shortly after.

"Y/n you here!?" A voice shouted. I immediately recognized that voice as Dick's.

"I'm in the living room." I got up and turned to see Dick all bloodied up and hurt.

"Oh my gosh Dick are you ok?!" I asked.

"I'll be fine" he said weakly as he sat on the couch. I ran the get the first aid kit and ran back and sat in front of him. I took his mask off to reveal his ocean blue eyes.

"Try to be still while I clean you up" I said softly as I put some alcohol on the small towel. I put the towel on his open wound on his shoulder.

"God damn that really hurts," he hissed in pain.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have gotten hurt. How did this happen anyway? You have bruises and blood all over you." I asked while continuing cleaning.

"Well I may have gotten caught by Penguin and his morons started to beat the crap out of me for a little while before Batman showed up." He explained.

"Dick! I didn't think you were able to get caught. I mean you are a smart ass so I can see why." I said while putting gauze on his wound shortly before wrapping his shoulder.

"I mean this smart ass sweet talked you to be mine." He said before entwined his fingers with mine.

"Shut up, Grayson," I gave him a small kiss on his forehead before getting up.

"Awe c'mon y/n! I just set the mood!"

"Not gonna get into 'the mood' with someone who reeks of blood and sweat."

"Ouch you wound me," he said dramatically. "You could make up for it by joining me-"

"No Dick. I took one before you got home." I turned my back to him to reorganize the first aid kit.

"Ha alright then babe," he said before smacking my ass causing me to yelp and him to laugh.

"Slick bastard," I shook my head and finished up reorganizing.

~Time skip~

I was watching a movie while eating a cupcake I bought the other day.

"Is that a vanilla?" Dick asked.

"Yes with cream filling." He sat down next to me picking up a cupcake.


"What is it, Dick?" I asked him.

"The cupcake I'm looking at needs her cream filling~" He flirted while wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My face went red and hot.

"You're gross, Grayson," I stated while looking the opposite direction. I heard him chuckle and I felt his hand cup my chin so he could bring my face to face his.

"But you love me for it." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and kissed his lips.

"Of course I do but."


"You hate me for always starting a pillow fight with you!" I said quickly before grabbing a pillow and hit him in the face with it.

"Hey no fair!" He said before hitting me with a pillow. We both hit eachother and laughed before he grabbed both pillows threw them at me. After he did that he grabbed me and pulled me towards him for a hug.

"You're suffocating me!" I said laughing.

"It's what you get for starting a war you can't finish!" He started tickling my sides causing me to fall off the couch and dragging me with him. He didn't stop his tickling on my sides.

"O-okay truce! I surrender!" I said in between laughs. He stopped and smirked at himself.

"How about a late movie night now?" I nodded my head and when he got up, he offered his hand and I took it. When he helped me up he pulled me into another kiss. He pulled away and rested his head on mine. "I love you beautiful."

"I love you too pretty boy."

I redid this story! I hope you like it and enjoy it! Thank you guys for reading. Don't forget to vote, follow, and/or check out my other stories!

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