chapter eight...

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Jason's P.O.V

She's perfect. Eveything about her is exactly how it's supposed to be. I've never been this happy before and I was loving it. .We were going great and it would continue this way. I looked at the cellphone in my hands. It wasn't mine. I had swipped it off the man who'd gropped her ass. I scrolled down the device looking for any type of information that would lead me to him. No address. Nothing. All I had gathered was that the idiots name was Chase and that he went to  the local college from his texts. I was going to have to do this the hard way. I pressed the contacts button and scrolled down until I found what I was looking for, mum. I pressed the call button while adjusting myself in my car seat still parked in front of her house. It didnt ring long before a woman picked up.

"Oh thank God honey I thought something bad had happened to you . You weren't picking my calls"

"Sorry Maam, I'm not Chase , I'm his friend from college"

"Did something happen?" the worry in her voice was evident.

"Well no not really its just that he left his phone at my house yesterday and i'm not sure where to drop it off."

"Oh thank you dear, You can just bring it to Barrow street the third house on the left."

"Sure thing Maam"

"Thank you dear for being such a sweety"


I started the car and drove to Barrow street which was a five minute drive from Keira's house. I could feel the anger in me start to rise slowly.Parking the car two blocks away I got out and walked to the house.

"Third house on the left" I said taking the final step to the front door. I knocked the door as I surveyed the area. This was a middle class street.The houses were not too far apart from each other and they looked like the houses shown in commercials with the newly wed couples waving at the cameras. Speaking of houses Keira had to see mine. Or better yet I would buy her one. I'll save that thought for later. The door opened to reveal a blonde woman in capri pants and a white sweater she looked like she was in her mid thirties or early fourties. I gave her a warm smile.

"You must be Chase's mother right?"

"Yes I am"

"I'm his friend from college"

She looked doubtful.

"Aren't you a little old for college?"

"Damn right" I said as I pushed the door open causing her to stumble backwards on to the floor. I grabbed her and pulled her up as I clasp her mouth shut with my hand then kicking the door shut. My hand was over her mouth while the other was holding her hands behind her back. Leading her to the living room, I threw her on the couch . She was shivering and crying which just made me feel good.

"Scream and your dead" I said pulling out the knife from my back pocket. She sat up tears rolling down her face. I went to sit next to her and held her hands as I looked into her eyes.

"Is there someone else in the house?" I asked my voice softening. She shook her head.

"Are you sure?" She nodded.


She was avoiding my eyes but I wanted her to look at me." Hey, Hey, i'm not here for you, well technically, i'm here for Chase, where is he?"

"I dont know" she whimpered still averting her eyes from mine. I got onto one knee infront of her while still holding her hands which were shaking uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, i'll wait"

I stood up and grabbed her turning her back to face my front.

"Where do you keep the  duck tape or rope sweety?"

She was weeping silently as she pointed it out for me but her breathing was really loud. That was getting on my nerves. I sat her down in one of the dining tables chairs and tied her with the duck tape. I put the last piece on her mouth and knelt infront of her.

"Try not to breath so loud, Its pissing me off" I said patting her tear stained cheek as I got up. I dragged the chair she was on to the living room and set it down in the middle of the room before sitting down on the couch. Just then I heard  the front door open.


"We're in here" I said excitedly. This was going to be fun. I got up and walked to the wall joining the living room and the front door. I was met with the idiot.

"Chase , just the guy I wanted to see" I said smiling. Recognition lit up his face as I grabbed him and threw him on the ground. He started crawling backwards as I walked ever so slowly towards him. He hit his back on his mother's feet causing him to look up.


If he was scared, well now he was terrified. I picked him up by the collar of his shirt and grabbed his already broken nose and squeezed. He nearly got a scream out but I covered his mouth with my other hand.

"Shhhh" we dont want to wake the neighbours do we"

The little bugger was also crying now and his mother was too but she was all tied up so it sounded muffled up and funny. I sat him down on another dining chair and tied him up then i sat him infront of his mother.I took out my knife and played with it a little as I watched the two of them helplessly trying to free themselves.

"I just wanted to teach you a lesson Chase. Dont ever fuck with what's mine. Keira is mine. You understand right?" I said feeling anger rise in me as I recalled the way he gropped her ass.I shut my eyes to calm myself but it wasn't helping. He nodded frantically.

"Good" I said standing up , "but that doesnt change the fact that you touched her, so, I'm just going to make myself feel better here" I

I took the knife and drove it into his chest as he tried to scream but only muffled noises came out. I kept stabbing him because it felt good to let all the anger out of my system until his clothes were soaked in blood, so was my hand.

His mother had pissed herself and was frantically trying to get free. I knelt infront of her once more.

"You deserved a better son , so let me take you out of your misery" I drove the bloodied knife into her heart.once and she gurgled a little before finally dying.I wiped the blade on her sweater and washed my handsin the kitchen sink. I walked out of that house feeling a lot better than I had walked in. I felt great.

So our perfect man has a not so perfect side... Vote ,comment ,share ;)

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