chapter ten...

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Jason's P.O.V

 I hadn't slept all night. All I could think of was Keira. The feel of her body beneath mine was the greatest feeling I had ever had. Imagining her body naked made my trousers tighten even more than they already had. She had given me her virginity which must mean that I was special to her too.After making sure she got home safe I had watched her for an hour before going to my house. It pissed me off that she wanted to start using pills and protection. What's the harm in her having my baby? That would bring me the greatest joy. I wish she knew how much I love her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, get married and start a family. I don't care in which order as long as they all happen. The sooner the better. I knew that I hadnt used protection in the first place, I didnt want to. Nothing would make me happier than to have a baby with her and I would. She wouldn't stop me. She can't stop me. I would do anything it takes for her to have my baby and be with her. I would do anything to make her happy. Which is why i'm in my car right now watching David Cole enter the building. I got out of the car that I had parked out of sight and walked inside the building where both he and Keira work. I was going to change her life, make it perfect just like her but first I have to get rid of anything that makes her unhappy. David Cole made her unhappy so just like that fucktard Chase he was going to regret messing with whats mine. 

The elevator doors opened and I walked towards his office. Nobody payed any attention to me because I was in a very expensive suit that fit like a glove. I looked like I was here for business so they didnt pay any attention to me. Luckily his secretary wasnt at her desk I. This was going to be easier than I thought. The doors were slighly open and I was  about to open them further when I heard voices.. Keira. Keira was in there. My hand froze on the door handle . I peeked inside to see him standing while she was seated . He was behind her his hands on her shoulder. She pushed them away as she stood up to face him.

He moved closer to her and put his hand on her cheek but she swatted it away.

"You are a very beautiful woman Ms.Aubrey, what do you say to having dinner with me sometime"

" No thank you I'm seeing someone"

He moved closer to her and put his hand on her waist but she moved back again.

"You cant resist me forever you know"

"You're not being the least bit professional sir" she said with a stern voice.," I will report you for sexual harrassment"

"Oh go right ahead, we'll see who'll believe you, not to mention I could pretty much destroy your career the minute you open your  pretty little mouth, so go ahead try me" He said moving closer to her once again. It was taking every fiber of my being to not walk in there and cut up the old pruned bastard into little pieces.

"Sir may I help you?" A voice behind me made me turn around.

"Actually yes, I need to speak to Miss Aubrey I've been told  she's in there could you get her for me its important."

"Who may I say wants to see her?"

"Jason Ross, her client"

"Yes sir" the red haired woman walked into the office and announced me whereafter a distraught looking Keira came running out of the office.

"Hey beautiful, you okay?" I said walking to her

"Peachy" she said sarcastically, "Come on lets go to my office"

I followed her into her office and shut the door behind me. She sat on her desk and ran her hand through her hair.

"Sorry, rough day"

I walked  to her and ran my hand through her hair before kissing her lightly.

"Trust me it'll get better"

She smiled at me making my heart warm up.

"I don't mean to be rude but why are you here?"

"I had to see you, you sprinted last night, I want to take you to lunch and  maybe some dessert later on" I said smirking.

"I like the sound of that" she said kissing me. "but I cant, work"

"I'm a client who needed you to analyze reports back at my company on the transferal of land and compensation of the people who lost their land"

"Who am i to say no to a client, fine let me leave some of my reports to Chris I'll be right back" she said as she got off her desk and grabbed the files she was sitting on and walked out of her office. 

My eyes went to her hand bag on the floor I picked it up and started looking for the pills I had seen last night. Jackpot. I slipped my hand into my pocket and removed the counterfeit ones that I had picked up earlier in the morning with the same brand name and look. They were sour sweets that looked like pills .In reality they did nothing to the body. I quickly switched them and put the actual contraceptives in my pocket and returned her bag exactly where she had left it. 

"Lets get out of here" she said walking into her office and picking up her bag.

I smiled at her and put my hand on the small of her back. Keira Aubrey was going to have my baby and I was going to have a family , a real one.

short but its a double update.

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