chapter fourteen...

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After crying all night and finally managing to close my eyes for only three hours, I was woken up by the distinct feeling of my stomach churning. I had been lying over the toilet bowl alll morning and my eyes were swollen from all the crying I had been doing. I felt like shit and I looked even worse. I stood up supporting myself with the sink and splashed some water on my face.When I looked up I was met with those familiar grey eyes. My eyes widened in surprise and shock as I clutched my chest.

"Sucks doesn't it" He said smiling staring at me through the mirror. I turned around slowly to face him still supporting myself with the sink.

"How did you get in here" I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Through the door of course" He said humor in his voice.

"How did you get through the door then" I said looking up.

"I turned the handle" He said smiling. I walked to him and he moved aside for me to pass.

"Okay, fine I know the code"

"How do you know the code" I said going to get my phone.

"I saw you put it in"

"What do you want from me" I said turning to face him feeling self concious of my attire of hot pants and a vest.

"A second chance"

"At what?!" I asked incredulously.

"At us" The look he had on his face reminded me of a broken child

"Well thats not going to happen so you might as well leave" I really wanted him to go.I wasn't comfortable with him in my house at all. I needed him to be gone , like yesterday.

"I love you, don't you get it I can't be without you" He walked to me and held my hand in his." Give me a chance to show you how much i love you"

I slowly took my hand out of his.

"No" I said as firmly as I could considering my knees felt like they were about to  give way at any moment and my body felt like it was shutting down. That crazy and twisted smile from yesterday was now forming on his face but he held it in. He was getting angry and I was getting scared.

"I love you" Jason said his eyes lighting up with that crazy and twisted smile that I had grown to loathe.

"N-no you don't"

"First you tell me to stay away from you, now you tell me how to feel! He said coming closer to me while I began to walk backwards. I mustered up all my courage as my back hit the wall leaving me with nowhere to run.

"That's because what you feel isn't love"

"Ha!" he said taking the final step bringing him to stand toe to toe with me.He lifted his hands and placed them on either side of my head on the wall. Then he lowered his head slowly and stared right into my eyes.

"See you don't get it do you?" He said in almost a whisper.

"We're going to spend the rest of our lives together whether you know it or  not"

I shut my eyes unable to bear his intense look.

"Just wait and see"

He moved back and I couldn't feel him next to me.I opened my eyes to see him seated on my bed. I stayed right where I was scared of getting anywhere near him. i had never seen this side of him. It was terrifying and I didn't like it one bit.

He was smiling. a devious smirk on his face as he adjusted himself on my bed.

"Stomach flu huh" 

"What?"I was confused now.

"Thats what wrong with you right? I mean thats what you think is wrong with you"

He got up and stood infront of me,"You think that we're never going to be together don't you, see I find that funny well, because we already are"

"What does that mean?" I whispered.

"How long have we been dating babe?"

"Like three months?"

"Three months and sixteen days, and when was the last time you had your period?" He said smiling.

I stumbled as  the alarms in my head went off.

"You see the stomach flu doesnt really screw with you that much but a baby, now that can really mess up your metabolism and what not"

"That's impossible, we we were careful, I was on the pill" I croaked.

"No, no you weren't. My bad" He said smiling. I couldn't hold myself upright anymore and my knees buckled. Tears were filling my eyes and the room was spinning."What did you do!" I couldn't hold it together anymore.

"What I had to do,"He came down to my level and wiped my tears with his thumb. "Your stuck with me and nothing makes me happier in the world. " He kissed my forehead before getting up and leaving me on the floor .Not moving , not breathing. In shock.While he smiled that devilish smile on his face.


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