chapter fifteen...

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My hands were shaking as I stared at the pregnancy tests infront of me.

"Why are they taking so long" I choked out.

"Relax." Matty said rubbing soothing circles on my back. I had called him hysterically crying and he had made a run to the drug store for me bringing five pregnancy tests with  him.We were in my bathroom staring at the things with baited breath. My heart was racing and my  hands hadn't stopped shaking.

"Whatever happens, its me and you, you know I'm here for you no matter what" He said giving me a reassuring smile. My eyes clouded with tears as I smiled weakly at him. He hadn't said one judgemental thing from the minute I'd called him.

The timer on my toilet seat went off making me shut my eyes and turn to the first test. My hand shook as I picked it up. He squeezed my hand in reassurace. I stared at the thing before I  felt all the energy in my body drain out  of me. Tears filled my eyes and the muscles in my body forgot to function as it fell from my hand. Matty's hands supported me as I slumped to the ground tears pouring freely. I didn't even make a sound as I cried. He just held me rocking me back and forth.

"Its okay, its okay. We can do this ." he said kissng the top of my head and holding me to him. He held me that way for what felt like hours as I cried till I ran out of tears.I was quiet in his arms as he held me tight.

"So i'm going to be a dad huh" He said with humor in his voice. I gave a breathy laugh before sniffling again. 

"Well this kid better be prepared to meet the  most badass dad in the world" he said looking at me. I smiled weakly as he helped me up.I went to the sink and sure enough the other four sticks read positive or had a smiley face.

"We got to go to the cops babe. I know its not the best time but he's killed people. And he messed with you. Speaking of which we need to change your lock codes like right now" He said walking to the door and feeding the keypad with a new code.He came up to me and gave me a hug."the code, Its the day we met."

"You look like hell. Don't worry about anything right now. We are going to be the best f*cking parents in the world and you know it" Your just too depressed to realise it right now. I mean with my wits , my charm and our combined good looks, this kid is going to be a heart breaker" . I laughed ," not to mention smart as f*ck. Its not a death sentence okay" He said rubbing my arms . I laughed slightly.

"We;re going to be parents!" He shouted excitedly making me laugh a little more.

"But first , we need to get our baby daddy arrested. For everyone's sake" I nodded and sat on my bed as he got me my jeans and a top to wear. I got dressed and put on my jacket with sneakers feeling in no mood to get primped up, I just brushed my hair lightly and didn't even bother with make up. I was ready to go to the police station but in all honesty , wasn’t up for it. I felt like crap and probably looked like it.

“Ready to go?” Matty asked getting up from the couch.

“Yeah” I said sighing as I put my hair up into a messy bun. I patted it into place and took my jacket off the coat rack when my phone vibrated. I answered it not bothering to look at the number since it was the general ringtone which meant it was nobody important.


“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” the familiar voice growled out stopping me dead in my tracks making my heartbeat increase..

“Turn around and act normal” he said  in a serious tone.

“Why should I?” I asked feeling the slightest bit defiant.

“Look at Matty right now, I think you’ll have a change of heart”

I turned around to see Matty shrugging on his jacket seemingly oblivious of the red dot on his forehead,My eyes widened slightly at it  as he sat down again to put his shoes on. The dot kept moving with him with every move he made. 

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