chapter eighteen...

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Slow breaths, breathe, breathe. I shut my eyes trying to control my heart rate. The sight of blood and the sound of bones crushing was sickening  enough but I had to move and fast. Jason was probably looking for me. I ran as fast as I could in no particular direction as far away from the buliding as possible.

"Need a taxi?" I heard the cab driver who'd stopped infront of me asked me eyeraping me.I rushed into the car . Anything was better than a phsycopath. 

"Drive!"I yelled at the man still staring at me through the rear view mirror."Where to?" he \asked startled at my outburst stepping on the gas pedal.Where to? Not Matty's He'd look there. Sal, she lived in a gated community. I was disracted by the glowing light of my phone. I ended the call without a second glance.It vibrated again, a text.DON'T DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T .K. I exited my texts and dialled Matty.

"What's going on with you? Did you get my text?" he asked frantically. 

"Yeah, I need you're help. Its Jason"

"What did he do?' I could hear the worry in his voice.

"H-he was at my house and right now was with me and he's looking for me"

"Slow down babe. Where are you"

"In a cab. I just ran, i I don't know what to do. You need to leave your house, He'll come and I I" I wasn't even breathing.and my tears were affecting my vision.

"You need to calm down. I need you to go straight to the police okay?"


"Good. I'll meet you there.Calm down hon. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you till you get there?"

"No. I'll be fine"

"Okay. stay calm I'm gonna go and pack some of your stuff. Talk to the police tell them everything , I'll be right there okay?'

"Okay" He hung up the phone and I told the driver to stop at the police station. I threw him some money not even caring how much I'd given him. I walked out of the cab looking around paranoid that Jason was around me somewhere. "Can I help you maam?" I looked up to see the face of a tall balding man smiling at me."I'd like to report a crime?" He smiled a little worry on his face."Come with me," I followed him to his desk and sat down my heart racing."Are you okay maam?" " Yes, I just need to get this over with" "Okay, what's the problem?" he asked looking cautious."I know who killed Chase Montgomery,His mother, David Cole ,that woman he was with and Dr. Michael " "I don't mean to be rude but how do you know?There's no evidence giving a substantial suspect" "He told me he did it, he's going to kill me if he knows i'm here ,he did it because of me" my voice cracked at the end. The officer was looking at me confused and worried."Who?" "Jason, Jason Ross" "Jason Ross. The businessman?" 'Yes him" "Are you sure about what you're saying maam? Thats a serious accusation your making. You're saying he told you?" "Yes. He did it because I , I" This was harder than I thought."I think you should speak to the chief about this. This Is a serious case, he's dealing with it. Could you come with me maam?" he stood up looking unsure of what to do. I nodded following him to an enclosed office.He knocked before entering"Chief, we have something on the serial killer" he looked back to me and held the door open for me before walking out leaving me inside the office . I closed the door gently walking up to the chair facing the man hidden by the shadow of the curtain.My breath caught as my heart rate picked up .My eyes widened as I backed away from the desk ready to sprint out."Whoa, Relax. I'm Jamie" he said looking surprised at my reaction."I'm Jamie Ross, chief of police? Are you okay?" "Y-You're Jamie Ross?"He could help me. Michael said I should find Jamie. "Yes maam. I'm working on any leads on the serial killer thats gone around terrorising town, are you sure you're okay?" He said coming closer to me."Prove it" I whispered. He took out his badge and showed it to me.  My heart  resumed beating normally after a few deep breaths. " Jason didn't tell me he had a twin" "I'm older by a minute.You know Jason?" "More than I'd like" I sat down on the chair infront of his desk as he returned to his seat."I'm Keira, we're dating.were dating, he thinks we still are" I said shaking my head. "He's mentioned you before, says you're gorgeous. He didn't exagerate " he said smiling." I was dying to meet you" "He killed them" I said looking him straight in his grey eyes. They were the exact same shade a Jason's but his seemed warmer. There was absolutely no difference between the two. Even their voices were almost identical but I felt comfortable around him."Killed who?" "The kid and David Cole, he told me he did it, i'm not lying" I was desperate for someone anyone to believe me other than Matty." I didn't say you were" He said looking serious. He stood up and walked to the door locking it. "Tell me everything" he said pulling a chair next to mine to face me. I told him everything that happened, how we met how long we dated and what happened on our date for him to kill Chase. I told him  how I wished out loud that David Cole would just drop dead and a few days later he was dead and when I mentioned the pregnancy his eyes widened dropping to my belly. He listened intently nodding here and there. When I was finished he was speechless. We sat silently looking at each other for a minute."I'm sorry about him. I , I didn't think he'd., I thought he was fine" "What do you mean you thought he was fine?" He took in a deep breath."Jason, as a kid, he , he was different.He was a boy genius thats why he's so successful right now, always was ten steps ahead of everyone, saw things others didn't notice . He was offered to jump a few grades but always refused, he said it amused him to watch the stupidity of his peers.He's never been social but always knew how to make everyone love him whenever he decided to speak. He was always fascinated with blood and knives and the , the weirdest of things it wasn't right. My parents eventually got him help but he charmed his way through all the doctors as long as they were female. He met doctor Michaels and he diagnosed that Jason wasn't normal, he suggested a mental healthcare centre and my parents agreed to it wanting the best for him. He got out in two weeks. They said he was just a misunderstood kid. His doctor said he had a man's mind trapped in a boys body. My parents gave up trying to get him help but one day he got mad and he lashed out when they brought it back up. He was seventeen when he killed her. I saw him do it but I couldn't tell anyone. He made it look like suicide" He chuckled humorlessly a far away look in his eyes." He even got her handwriting down to the last fullstop.He smiled at me when he saw me looking at him kick the stool away from her already lifeless body. My dad couldn't handle it so he sent him back to the mental institution and me to live with my aunt. He had a heart attack a year later and died. When he got out two years later, he seemed fine, he apologised and started acting normal, doing normal things, went back to school and became more social, we spent so much time together and he seemed like he'd changed . He told me about you I thought that he'd really changed and was going to settle down. You should hear him talk about you, even I fell in love with you yet I hadn't even met you, it makes sense now, I'm sorry about him. I believe you but I can't act on it as a cop because there's no evidence or even a link to him.I shouldn't be telling you this but ,We have two suspects so far but the cases are leaning more on one guy , his DNA was found at both crime scenes but its still not solid evidence because he has an aliby that works. I can't promise you anything but all I can do for you right now is advice you, I know Jason and he's a smart fuck . He probably knows you're here by now. Stay with a friend and if you can leave town for a while, it would be best for you and  the baby. He's not going to let you leave him since you have the one thing he's always wanted, a family. I can give you an escort to where you're going to stay and asign you a cop to keep an eye on you for tonight, Thats all I can do without raising brows around here." "Thank you. I'd appreciate that" He said helping me up" Don't worry, it'll all work out" He smiled at me and I smiled back. Leading me out the door he promised me he'd do his best once again. i felt even more relieved when I saw Matty waiting for me near the entrance of the station. "Matty" I said running into his arms as he picked me up in his hands hugging me my feet dangling." Did he hurt you?" "No" "You okay?" "Yeah" I said as he put me down holding my face in his hands." Whose this guy" He said eyeing the officer behind me." Our escort for the night" he smiled at me" Do I have to buy him dinner when we're done?" He said cheekily. I smiled at him poking his rib,"Shame on you" the officer seemed nice enough smiling at Matty's jab." Don't worry I come cheap" he said walking beside Matty and I smiling." Johny" he said extending a hand for Matty to shake."Matthew" " I need to get you home Maam, chief's orders," I nodded following him out the station. Matty held my hand as we walked to his car."Where we going again, you told me we can't go home so?" "How about Sal's? she lives in a gated community, she wouldn't mind either, plus she has a crush on you. Let me ask her" I said getting my phone out . I texted Sal and she was more than willing to let us crash after hearing Matty was in tow with me. I smiled at Matty as he drove to her place the police car behind us  at a discreet distance.He parked at a curb when we got to Sal's giving us our space.

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