Chapter 4- Pilot

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MacKenzie's POV

"It looks like you had a distal radius fracture." Caitlin says as I regain consciousness on the bed next to Barry. I stay lying down because I have a MASSIVE headache.

"Had?" Barry asks.

"It's healed. In three hours." Caitlin says.

"How is that even possible?" Barry asks.

"We don't know. Yet." Caitlin says and then I hear her heels click as she walks away.

"You really need to learn how to stop." Cisco says.

"What happened out there today?" I hear Dr. Wells asks. "You were moving pretty well and then something cause you to lose focus."

"I started remembering something." Barry says. "When I was eleven my mother was murdered. It was late. A sound woke me up. I came downstairs and...I saw what looked like a ball of lightning. Inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad. He's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told me what I saw was impossible. But what if the man who killed my mom is like me?" Barry asks.

"Well, I can say unequivocally, you are one of a kind." Dr. Wells tells Barry. I sit up but then grip my head.

"Ow." I whine.

"Mack." Caitlin says and then comes over to hug me.

"What happened to me?" I ask, still holding my left hand to my head.

"Well, best we can describe it is that, you have powers, Mack." Cisco says.

"Yea, I got that part." I tell him, dropping my hand to my side and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Barry.

"We think you make quakes in the ground. Kind of like earthquakes, but they generate from your hands." Caitlin explains to me.

"Yes, and they're linked to your emotions." Cisco explains, standing in front of me. "So, they were getting more powerful as you were getting more nervous because your emotions took over your powers." Cisco tells me.

"So how do I control it?" I ask.

"Relax?" Cisco suggests. "That's the best we can come up with right now. We need to test your powers more." He tells me.

"Okay." I say. "How do you test my powers?" I ask.

"Come with us." Cisco says.

They lead me into this room with tile floors and a big window that Caitlin and Dr. Wells were watching us through.

"Okay, so this is the 'power testing room'." Cisco says, then frowns. "I can come up with a better name." He mutters to himself. "We made one for you and Barry. Barry's is next to yours and he has a treadmill in it. You have 2 inches of steel that we're standing on." Cisco tells me. "We're watching through that glass over there and monitoring your health."

"Okay." I say. Cisco leaves the room and joins the others at the window. After waiting a couple minutes, I hear Caitlin's voice through an intercom thing.

"Mack, we need to study your powers so we need to to use them." She tells me.

"But I don't know how to." I say.

"We need you to try." Cisco says.

"I don't know how to!" I yell.

"Try!" Dr. Wells yells at me.

"I can't!" I yell angrily, stomping my foot on the ground. Then, my hands start to shake.

"She's doing it." Caitlin says with a smile.

I look at my trembling hands and the quakes slowly start to make their way to the ground, shaking the floor. The steel splits from my quakes under me and I get nervous, causing the walls to shake too. The steel cracks again and I look up at the others through the window.

"Stop! Mack!" Cisco yells. I stay planted in my spot, looking down at the ground and all around the room as my quakes get stronger.

"She's gonna bring the room down, we got to get her out of there NOW!" Dr. Wells yells to Caitlin and Cisco.

I start to back up, no longer able to control the quakes.

"Help!" I yell as tears stream down my face.

"Get her out of there!" Dr. Wells yells again as tiles from the ceiling fall. Cisco runs in and I back away from him and into the back wall.

"Mack, you gotta stop your powers. You gotta relax." Cisco says, putting his arms out in front of him.

"I can't!" I sob, throwing my hands down by my sides. I see a blast of my quakes shoot out when I throw my hands. Cisco is thrown across the room when my blast hits him.

Caitlin runs in a gives me another sedative and I pass out, my quakes stopping but my thoughts are still running.

I'm scared.

I'm nervous.

I'm a monster. 


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