Chapter 39- The Nuclear Man

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MacKenzie's POV

Caitlin, Dr. Wells and I were in the STAR labs van and it was nighttime. I was kneeling on the floor with my arms propped up on the surface that divides the two seats in the front.

"Want some of my fries?" Dr. Wells asks us. I shake my head no, like I did with all the food options I was offered tonight.

"No, thanks." Caitlin says from the driver seat of the van. I play with the Velcro on my brace as I listen to the conversation. "Why would he come back here?"

"Because this is his home." Dr. Wells says. "I don't mean the actual house. I mean Clarissa. She's his home. We all want to go home again. You know, where we feel safe. Where we feel loved."

Tears form in my eyes. Ronnie was my home. Ronnie loved me. Ronnie kept me safe. I want him back.

"Ronnie's your home." Dr. Wells says to Caitlin. "Both of yours."

"Not anymore." Caitlin says and tears fall from my eyes.

"Remember What I told you on your first day at STAR labs?" Dr. Wells asks Caitlin.

"'A scientist's work is never finished.'" Caitlin states.

"A scientist's work is never finished. Well, my work did this to Ronnie and did this to Martin Stein. But it's not finished and it won't be until we bring both of them home." Dr. Wells says.

I try to hide my tears but Caitlin sees and she pats her lap for me to sit. I sit and she hugs me as I cry for a moment. But then, a noise makes us look out the window.

It was fire in the sky.


"So I'm assuming you have Barry on speed dial?" Dr. Wells asks, also looking out the window.

Caitlin reaches for her phone and calls him.

I see the lightening flicker, meaning Barry's here and helping, but then I see a fiery explosion. I grip into Caitlin and hide my face in her shoulder.

She puts me on the surface thing and starts to drive, following Barry and FIRESTORM in the sky.

The next thing I see is Barry falling through the air, but just before he goes splat, FIRESTORM catches him, hitting our car and causing Caitlin to swerve.

She stops the van and the two of us get out just in time to save Barry from being turned into ashes.

"No!" Caitlin yells, running in front of Barry. FIRESTORM hesitates and then flies upwards and away.

"Well That was terrifying." Barry says from on the ground.


The next day Caitlin, Mrs. Stein, Barry and I were walking under a bridge.

"There he is." Caitlin says. "Looks like the tracker Barry placed on him worked."

FIRESTORM comes out from under the bridge.

"Professor Stein?" Caitlin calls to him before he can walk away.

"Ugh. I told you to stay away from me." FIRESTORM says, walking up the dirt road.

"And I will, but there's someone else who wants to talk to you." Caitlin says.

"Martin?" Mrs. Stein calls and he stops. "Do you know who I am?" She asks, going over closer to him. Caitlin and I stay standing next to Barry.

"Clarissa." FIRESTORM says.

"Is it really you?" Mrs. Stein asks.

"I don't know." FIRESTORM says through his teeth. "I hear the other inside of me. He wants to go home. To them." I lean against Barry and he puts his arm around me. "But we can't. I want to be me again."

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