Chapter 58- Rogue Air

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MacKenzie's POV

Caitlin, Barry, Joe and I were in the cortex as we listened to Cisco explain his theory about Dr. Wells' wheelchair.

"I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" Cisco says, rolling the wheelchair to us.

"Sympathy, I suppose." Caitlin says.

"That's what I thought at first." Cisco says. But he's the man in yellow. He's the Reverse-Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason"

"Yeah, it was a misdirect." Joe says. "Just like everything else Wells has done. I mean, the last person we'd suspect to be the man in yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs."

"That's exactly right, Joe." Cisco says with a hug smile. "Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair." Cisco flips the chair upside down. "And that's when I found this."

Cisco opens up a compartment on the bottom of the wheelchair and we see this glowing thing.

"Damn, you can't get that at Radio Shack." Joe says.

"Looks like the tech inside Gideon." Barry says, kneeling down to see it and I do the same.

"I measure the output and this thing is kicking off serious juice." Cisco says. I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City."

"Seriously?" Joe asks.

"Yeah." Cisco says.

"What do you think Wells was using it for?" Barry asks.

"Is it a battery?" I ask, looking up at Cisco.

"Pretty much." Cisco says.

"Battery?" Joe asks.

"As in, Wells was using it to power himself." Cisco explains.

"Yeah." I say, standing up and catching onto what Cisco was saying. "To gain more speed."

"Yeah. And that's why he's so much faster than Barry." Cisco says.

The computer starts to beep and Cisco and Caitlin run over to it.

"The accelerator." Cisco says. "It's been reactivated."

"What?" I ask, running over to the computer.

"It can't be." Caitlin says.

"How is that possible?" Joe asks. "It blew up."

"It had to have been rebuilt." Cisco says.

"Wells." Barry says.

"Even if he did rebuild it, how did Dr. Wells turn the particle accelerator on?" Caitlin asks.

"He's here." Barry says. "That's why we couldn't find him. He's been inside STAR labs the whole time."

When Barry said that, my stomach dropped about 80 feet, thinking about the fact that I basically live in STAR and a known murderer has been hiding here as well.

Joe grabs his gun and Barry runs out of the cortex with him.

"Stay here." Cisco tells Caitlin and I. He grabs his soda and leaves with Barry and Joe to the accelerator ring.


Two flash blurs zoomed past Caitlin and I and out of STAR labs.

The computer beeped cause of prisoner escapes.

"Come on." Caitlin says, grabbing my hand.

We run out of the cortex and down the hallway and into the accelerator ring where we see teleporting girl had escaped, aka, Shawna.

She sees us in the doorway.

"Peek-a-boo." She says.

Caitlin and I turn around and run down the hall. Caitlin had to let go of my hand because my quakes had started. Caitlin and I ran, me behind her until Shawna teleported to in front of Caitlin.

Caitlin gasps and Shawna punches her in the face. She falls to the ground and Shawna does the same to me.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to be stuck in that box?" Shawna asks, kicking Caitlin in the gut and throwing her against the wall.

"Actually, I do." I tell her, coming from behind Shawna and throwing a few punches at her. She throws me to the ground next to Caitlin and points her gun at us.

"Now you're the one who's gonna go into a box." Shawna tells Caitlin with the gun trained at her. "In the ground."

Right on time, Iris comes up behind Shawna and knocks her out.


Hope you guys liked that chapter. Sorry it wasn't very long. Next chapter up FRIDAY. 


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