Chapter 21- Power Outage

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry was staring at his suit and I was sitting on the floor with my back against the long desk as Caitlin walks up to Barry.

"You think I'll ever wear it again?" Barry asks Caitlin, referring to his suit.

"I hope so." Caitlin says and Barry looks at her, then back at his suit.

"I didn't have my speed for very long, but now that it's gone, it feels like a part of me is gone too." Barry says.

"With or without your speed, you're still you, Barry." Caitlin tells him.

"But I'm not." Barry says. "I'm not the best version of me. I love being The Flash. I love everything about it: the feeling of running hundreds of miles per hour, wind and power just rushing past my face, being able to help people." A smile grows on my face as I close my eyes and listen to him talk. "I'm not sure I can live without it, Caitlin."

It was silent for a moment until Cisco came into the room.

"Farooq Gibran." He says and I open my eyes, going over to him, Barry and Caitlin.

"Who?" Barry asks as I look at Cisco's tablet.

"The Powers vampire who jacked your speed." Cisco says, handing the tablet over to Barry. "I hacked into surveillance footage from the Petersburg substation. Once I got his face it was easy to find a match." He explains.

"He climbed an electrical tower the night of the accelerator explosion." Barry says.

"No surprise where his powers came from." Caitlin says.

An alarm beeps and Cisco runs over to the computers.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Cisco says, pulling up the security footage from outside. "This is not happening." We crowd around the computer and see electrical guy outside.

"Dr. Harrison Wells! I need to see you!" The man screams from outside. "Come on, I know you're inside. Open the door. I just wanna talk, Dr. Wells. Wells!" He yells and I feel my body lightly shake. "Let me in!"

The lights start to flicker and then go off completely and the ground shakes under me. The building, not from my quakes though cause I know what my quakes feel like. This was from the electrical man outside. I get more nervous and my quakes get a little stronger as I start to cry.

"He's inside." Barry says.

"Mack, look at me." Cisco says, grabbing my arms and then wincing. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

I could tell he was trying to make me feel better and I appreciated the effort, but I'm SCARED right now.


A minute later, Barry hangs up the phone as I lean my head against the desk, sitting on the floor again with my palms on the ground, closing my eyes and trying to steady my breathing.

"Joe and Iris are in trouble." Barry says. "I need my powers back now." I take another deep breath and the quakes lessen.

"I have a theory." Dr. Wells says. "It's untested."

"I'm willing to roll the dice." Barry stays quickly and desperately.

"Okay, you've lost your speed, yes, but nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level. In other words, your cells ads still primed." Dr. Wells says.

"They just need a jumpstart." Cisco finishes.

"Okay. How do we do that? How do we jumpstart me?" Barry asks quickly.

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