Chapter 32- Revenge of the Rogues

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MacKenzie's POV

I wake up groggily and freezing cold.

It looked like it was morning, like very early morning.

I look to my left and my eyes widen in horror. My left arm from a few inches above my elbow all the way down to my fingers was frozen with ice and stuck to Caitlin's car.


That's right, I remember now. She was kidnapped.

"Help!" I scream through the cold air. I try to move my arm but it's frozen right against the car door. I try to pull my arm out with a little force but tears prick my eyes as pain shoots up my left arm. "Help!" I scream again.

After a few minutes of screaming help over and over again, the police finally showed up.

"Help." I weakly say once more and I see Mr. West run over and kneel next to me.

"Mack." Mr. West says, grabbing my right shoulder. "Where's Caitlin?"

"S-Snart." I say. "H-he took her."

"I'll get Barry." Mr. West says, grabbing his phone. "Medic." He calls to someone and points to me.

"Barry. You gotta get here quick. Caitlin's missing." I hear Mr. West say.

The medic comes over to me and puts his rubber gloves on. He kneels down next to me and examines my arm.

I chew nervously on my lip as he begins to touch above my elbow, the area that's not covered in ice.

"Not going to lie, this will hurt." The medic tells me. Hey, at least he was honest.

I nod my head as a reply.

"It's definitely her car but there's no sign of Caitlin." I hear Mr. West say.

"Hey, Mack." Barry says, kneeling down next to me and looking at the ice around and on me.

"H-Hey, Barry." I say.

Mr. West and Barry talk a little more, I was a little too focused with my own problem to hear what they were saying.

The medic uses some sort of tool to chip away the ice that was around my arm, but not on my arm, but it still hurt. He was able to get most of the ice away, only leaving my frozen arm there.

"Just tell me when you're ready and I'll take your arm out." The medic tells me.

Barry was about to leave before I held him back.

"Wait." I say when he stands up. "Can I hold your hand?" I ask him.

Barry nods, kneeling back down and grabbing onto my right hand.

"You'll Be Fine." Barry assures me.

I nod to the medic.

"I'm ready." I tell him and I take a deep breath in.

The medic slowly pulls my arm out of the remaining ice and let me tell you it HURT.

"Mack..." The medic says. "I'm going to have to set your arm." He tells me and my stomach drops from hearing this but I nod anyways.

I take deep breaths as the medic instructs and scream and ear splitting scream when he sets my arm. Barry actually screamed through his teeth when I crushed his hand.

Tears were streaming down my face and I was barely staying conscious from the amount of pain I was in. Through my blurry vision, I looked at my purple inflamed left arm, which was now being splinted, bandaged and put in a sling by the medic.

"You did great, Mack." Barry tells me. "Thank you. I've got her from here." Barry tells the medic.

Barry puts an arm under my skinny legs and an arm under my back, with my right arm towards his chest so I didn't hurt my left arm anymore.

I was still slipping in and out of darkness so it didn't even occur to me that Barry got far enough away from the scene that he could superspeed away to STAR labs and drop my off on one of the hospital beds.

"Mack!" Cisco says, looking at me and Barry left. "What happened? Where's Caitlin?"

"Snart took her..." I say tiredly. "He shot my arm with the cold gun. I can't feel it right now." I tell him.

"We have to find her." Cisco says.

"Totally." I say. "But after I pass out." I tell him.

I lay back on the bed and pass out for an hour.


"Porter and Main, tonight, sundown." I hear on the Tv screen. I look up and see Snart with another man and Caitlin tied up.

"Cait..." I whisper.

"Come out come out wherever you are, Flash." Snart says. "Show the whole world you're real. Or this woman dies."

"No, don't come for me. Stay away!" Caitlin yells and the ground under me shakes slightly.

"Cisco..." I say.

"Come on, Mack. We gotta find her." Cisco says. I nod and we leave the cortex. My arm still splinted and in a sling, but I think I can start to feel my fingers now so that's a plus.


Mr. West had come with us to look for Caitlin.

We stopped at a bunch of abandoned warehouse things and we got out of the car. Cisco was looking at his tablet.

"Are you sure Caitlin's here, Cisco?" Mr. West asks.

"Starting from Caitlin's car, I pieced together surveillance footage that led us to his general area." Cisco explains.

"There's a lot of warehouses though." I tell Cisco.

"She's right. There's over a dozen warehouses here." Mr. West says.

"Yeah, but only one of them has had the heat on He last three nights. And I'm betting Mick Rory likes it hot." Cisco tells us.

"Okay." Mr. West says, pulling a gun out of his pocket. "Stay behind me." He says.

Mr. West opens the warehouse door and we walk in carefully.

"Cait?" I ask and we hear a muffled voice.

"Caitlin, is that you?" Cisco asks. We find Caitlin tied up with a gag in her mouth. "Caitlin n we're gonna get you out of here."

The floor starts to shake as Cisco walks forward cause I see a trip wire.

"Cisco! There's a trip!" I yell to hi: but it's too late cause we hear ticking from whatever he just tripped.

"Cisco! Down!" Mr. West yells, pushing Cisco to the ground and jumping forwards to knock Caitlin away from the bomb that explodes.

Cisco and I run over to Caitlin and help her.

"Cait..." I say, giving her a hug.

We help her out of her ties.

"I thought I was gonna did." Caitlin gasps.

"Not while we're around." Cisco says for me and him. "Or him." He says for Mr. West.

The three of us hug. I hug with my right arm, not my left.

"I love you guys." I whisper to them as we hug.


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