Chapter 49- Who is Harrison Wells?

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MacKenzie's POV

Apparently a lot happened while I was knocked out. Something about Dr. Wells being evil or something....


Eddie, Cisco, Caitlin, Mr. West and I were in the West household. Caitlin was sitting on the stairs, Cisco and Mr. West were standing up, Eddie was on the couch, and I was sitting cross legged on the coffee table facing the couch and playing with small strands of my hair. I sit on tables a lot. Huh. Oh well.

"Hey, where's Barry?" Eddie asks.

"He should be here any second, I sent him out for..." Mr. West trails off as Barry speeds into the house with boxes.

"Pizza!" Barry exclaims, setting the boxes down next to me on the table.

"What?" Cisco asks, holding a beer in his hand. Actually, I'm pretty sure all the guys had beers in their hands. Caitlin didn't and I'm betting a million dollars you can guess why I didn't have a beer in my hands.

"From Coast City?" Eddie asks.

"Supposedly the best in the west." Barry says.

"Why did I not think of this before?" Cisco asks out loud. "Come to papa." He grabs a piece of pizza before sitting on the couch. I grab my piece and now everyone but Caitlin has a slice of pizza in their hand.

"Caitlin?" Mr. West, who said I could call him Joe cause everyone does, asks, pointing to the pizza.

"I'm not hungry." Caitlin says and Joe nods.

"Okay. Six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the begging to see what we can find out." Joe says.

"What does that mean?" Eddie asks.

"Road trip, baby." Cisco says, clanking beers with Joe.

"Joe and Cisco are going to go to Starling City." Barry says.

"Starling City? What for?" Caitlin asks, now standing behind the couch.

"To investigate the car accident that Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago." Joe says.

"I-I don't understand. Why?" Caitlin asks.

"Dr. McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became like a complete stranger. Just a different person entirely." Barry says.

"Because the love of his life died?" Caitlin suggests. "You of all people can understand how grief can change a person. I mean, look at Mack." She says, pointing to me and looking at Cisco. "She used to be so full of life and now she's always afraid..." My hands drop to my lap and I look down as she speaks.

"Caitlin." Joe cuts her off. "We believe that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash and killed Barry's mother, and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan. We have to learn everything we can about that night. See where it leads us."

"Oh, um, can you cover for me with Dr. Wells?" Cisco asks Caitlin.

"You mean lie?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah..." Cisco says.

"I need some air." Caitlin says.

"Whoa—Hey, Caitlin..." Barry says and all the guys in the room get up. She leaves the house.

"Doesn't look like Caitlin's with us." Joe says.

"No, shes with us. I'll talk to her." Barry says.

"Way do you want us to do here?" Eddie asks Joe.

"Business as usual while we're gone." Joe says.

"Copy that." Eddie says.

"Well, I want to wish you good luck over there, but I'm also scared of what you might find out." Barry says.

"Scared is a good thing." Joe says. "Scared keeps us alive."


Caitlin and I were in the cortex of STAR labs. I was sitting on the desk that was next to the computer Caitlin was working on.

Barry walks in and smiles at me.

"Good morning." He says hesitantly to Caitlin.

"Hey." Caitlin says.

"Hey, look, uh...can we talk about last night?" Barry asks.

"There's nothing to talk about." Caitlin says, standing up and walking around the desk.

"Yeah, there is actually." Barry says, following her and I turn around on the desk so I can see them. "Caitlin, look, I know after everything Dr. Wells has done for all of us, it's hard to wrap your head around this, but I need you to see the truth."

"The truth?" Caitlin questions, facing Barry and walking around the cortex again with Barry following. "The truth is that he saved your life multiple times."

"Look, I know." Barry says. "But if I'm right about this—"

"If, Barry, If." Caitlin says and they walk into the connecting lab and I follow, leaning in the doorway. "And before I can believe any of this, I'm gonna need to see some proof."

"Proof?" A voice says from behind me, making me jump and turn around. But hey, no quakes. At least not yet. "Proof of what?" Dr. Wells asks.

"W-we may have another metahuman case on our hands." Barry stutters our, making something up.

"Ah. We are always happy to help, Barry, as you know." Dr. Wells says. "Have yo heard from Cisco? He hasn't arrived yet."

"Uh, He has to help Dante, his brother. He might need a few days off." Caitlin makes up quickly.

"Ah, well." Dr. Wells says and then rolls away.

Barry gets a phone call.

"Alright." He says to Caitlin. Then he answers his phone. "Eddie...Be right there." Is the next thing I hear before Barry speeds away, taking his suit and leaving Caitlin and I in the cortex.

"Do you believe him, Mack?" Caitlin whisper asks me.

"I don't know..." I say, looking down. She comes over to me in the doorway and stands next to me and I look at her. "It's's hard, ya know? Dr. Wells was there when we lost Ronnie and when I got my powers and...he was there for it all and I just don't know what to think anymore..." I say.

Caitlin pulls me into her chest and hugs me, kissing the top of my head.

"I don't know anymore either..." She whispers. 


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