Chapter 1

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-Elizabeth’s POV-

Welcome To Mystic Falls the sign reads. Well, I don’t feel very welcome. My hometown, and I always feel better leaving than I do coming. Yet, I come here often, more often than I would like, to visit the graves of my parents and two brothers. And there it is, that pain in my chest when I think about my brothers.

Stefan and Damon. I love those two more than anyone. Well, almost. But I don’t want to think about him while I’m here. 

I come here, or try to, at least every 10 years. There have been a few times when I have missed it. But I can not miss it this year. This year will be the 150th anniversary of the day I turned, and my family died. AHH, that pesky feeling of sadness. I fight to push it back down. I don’t have time for pesky human emotions. That’s why I turned them off, oh maybe 100 years ago or so ago. After… NO! I won’t think about that.

I push those memories away. I am here to visit their graves, maybe stop by our sadly decayed house, and then get the hell out of here. Maybe I’ll go to Rome this time, or maybe I’ll stay state-side and hit up NYC. I haven’t decided yet… I pull through the town square. This town sure has changed since 1864. Then again, the whole world has changed, I thought as I looked down at my jean covered legs, and saw my phone sitting in the passenger seat of my black 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible.

 As I was driving through town, I caught sight of a very familiar face. 

“Katherine.” I hissed, as I slammed into a parking spot along the street, and vamp sped over to her. I grabbed her neck, and shoved her into an alley, pushing her against the wall.

“You have some nerve showing up here, Katherine, especially now! Why can’t you at least have some respect, and allow me to mourn my family in peace.”

She struggled against my hold, which I found odd as she was about 300 years older than me. “I’m…not…Katherine…” she managed to squeak out as I crushed her  throat. “What…?” I started to say before I was thrown off of her. She fell to the ground as I hit the opposite wall. When I looked up, she was gone.

A/N: This is the first chapter. Sorry it’s so short - I just wanted to do a little introduction to gauge feelings on the story. Please let me know what you think, and if I should continue.

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