Chapter 18

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A/N: Another filler, this one about the some of the Mikaelson brothers, and also the Salvatore brothers. This is going on at the same time Elizabeth and Rebekah are in NYC.

-Kol's POV-

After the showdown in Rebekahs' room, I went back to my own. I got in the shower, and got dressed.

I heard Lizzie and Bekah talking about going gown shopping .There was no way I was going along, so I stayed in my room until I heard Rebekahs' car leave.

Then I went to pick up Lizzie's car from the house where I had snapped her and her brothers – what was his name? Damien? Whatever. - necks. When I got there, however, it was gone. I figured the brother had taken it. At least it was safe at her house.

I went back home, and sat in the living room, pondering my conversation with Lizzie yesterday. Did she really think Klaus didn't love her? After all they had been through, could she really hate him? And what of him? Did he still feel the same about her? I was pretty sure he did. As I was thinking about this, Elijah walked into the room.

“Kol.” he greeted, nodding. I looked up and smirked.


“You look like you are in deep thought. What's troubling you, brother?” he asked. I sighed and explained.

“Lizzie is back in town...” I began. He interrupted.

“Elizabeth is here?” he asked, looking happy. They had always gotten along well – they had a bunch in common. I had never truly figured out why I was her best friend and not Elijah. Or Rebekah, for that matter.

“Yes, brother. She is out with Rebekah at the moment. She is staying with her brothers, who she found alive.”

“Ah, the Salvatore brothers. Yes, it was peculiar to find them here, when she thought them dead. But I am glad she could reunite with them after so long of missing them.”

“Yeah, I guess it is a good thing. Anyway, as I was saying...” I began again, but he again interrupted.

“I assume you have told the brothers where Elizabeth is.” he mentioned. I looked at him and shook my head.


He sighed, and pulled out his phone. “If you would excuse me, brother. I will be back after I inform the Salvatores of where the sister is.” With that he got up and left the room.

I sighed and went back to my thoughts.

-Damon's POV-

Where was she? I paced up and down the floor with a glass of bourbon in my hand. Stefan sat on the couch with his broody face on. Elena walked in and stopped, seeing the situation.

“What's going on?” she asked.

“Elizabeth is missing.” Stefan replied, glancing up at her.

“She didn't come home?” she pondered aloud. I turned and looked at her.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Have you seen her?”

She gulped and looked away. I ran up and grabbed her shoulders.

“Elena, have you seen Elizabeth?” I yelled. She flinched back, and finally met my eyes.

“Yes. Last night. Around midnight.” she whispered. I stepped back stunned. Where was she now then?

Stefan stood. “Where did you see her? Did she look okay? What was she doing? Who was she with? Did she look okay?” he asked, shooting questions out. Elena glanced away, as if she was nervous to answer those questions.

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