Chapter 21 - THE BALL! Part 2

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-Klaus' POV-

I was standing by the bar, when the three Salvatores walked in. The brothers both wore standard black tuxes, very presentable. But Elizabeth – she made my heart skip a beat. She wore a beautiful blue-green dress, that nicely complimented her black hair, which was pulled up, and her icy blue eyes. She had on light make-up, and she just glowed. She looked absolutely ravishing.

I set down my glass and started to make my way over to her, when I saw Kol and Rebekah already on their way over. I stopped, and then spotted Caroline. I decided to go over to her, while my siblings talked to Elizabeth. I would get my chance with her later... And who knows, maybe she would see us, and get jealous. Nothing brings to people back together better than jealousy, at least in my experience...

-Elizabeth's POV-

We walked in and all heads turned towards us. I could see how good I looked from the awe in the mens' faces, and the jealousy in the womens'. Someone stepped up and took my shawl, which I gladly handed over. I saw Kol and Rebekah heading my way, and I smiled and waved. My brothers each offered a kiss on my cheek, then went their separate ways – Damon towards the mayor, and Stefan towards the bar.

When Kol and Rebekah got to me, Rebekah pulled me into a huge hug.

“You look STUNNING!” she said. I smiled.

“All thanks to you.” I said, and she smiled back. Kol took my hand and kissed it.

“My sister is right, you look ravishing.” he said, smirking. I smiled back.

“Why, thank you Kol.”

I looked around, and noticed Klaus talking to that Caroline, the friend of Stefan's who had been so mean to me. My heart dropped a little.

Rebekah and Kol noticed where I was looking, and turned to see Klaus “flirting.”

“Don't worry sweetheart. Just a little fling. He enjoys the challenge. It means nothing.” Kol said, and Bekah hurried to agree.

“Yes, just a fling. Not even – she's just someone for him to chase while he waits for you.” she concurred. I just nodded, not able to take my eyes off of them.

Suddenly, she threw up her hands and huffed away. I saw Klaus smirk, then I could have sworn I saw him glance my way, before following her. I shook my head, clearing it, just as the doors opened again. I turned, and there stood Elena.

I smiled. I knew she couldn't stay away. She looked stunning. I looked and saw both of my brothers staring at her, speechless. Then they both made their way over to her.

“Ugh. Doppelbitch is here.” Bekah muttered. I looked at her.

“What? Why did you call her that?” I asked. She grimaced.

“They probably didn't even bother telling you certain parts of certain stories. Let's just say, I am not an Elena fan... She has stabbed me in the back, literally.”

I gasped. “Elena daggered you? When? Why?”

“When my father came to try to kill Klaus. They thought I couldn't be trusted, so she daggered me.” I shook my head, and glanced back at Elena as she wrapped her arms around both of my brothers, as I had done. Who knew she could be so ruthless?

Suddenly, a clinking was heard.

“Be back, sweetheart.” Kol whispered, then rushed to the steps. Bekah gripped my hand, then followed suit. I turned, and saw the Original family was gathered on the steps. Elijah was the one talking.

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