Chapter 46 - THE LAST ONE!! Part 2 - THE END!!

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 -Elizabeth's POV-

I awoke with a groan. I sat up.

“Damn it, Damon!” I shouted. I heard a chuckle, and I looked to see Kol sitting in the same chair Klaus was in earlier. I noticed we were back in the mansion and in Klaus' room.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Well, after your loving brother snapped your neck, I might have compelled him...”

“YOU WHAT!?! Kol, you know I hate it when you use compulsion!” I said. He waved me off.

“...I compelled him kill Jeremy...”

“WHAT!?! WHAT ABOUT THE HUNTERS CURSE!?!” I yelled. He glared.

“First, stop interrupting. Second, I didn't care about him having it, and I figured after what he did, you wouldn't either. Thirdly, I hear that they stopped him from doing it anyway, so no harm, no foul.” he said, shrugging at the end.

“I am mad at Damon, and I will get payback for what he did, but I wish the Hunters curse on no one – not even my worst enemies...” I said. He smirked.

“Not even Dmitri?” he asked cockily. I knew he was trying to test the waters to see if he was forgiven. I thought for a moment, then sighed.

“Alright. Maybe on Dmitri...” I said. Kol knew he was forgiven then, and walked over a wrapped his arms around me.

Suddenly the door banged open.

“Uh oh.” we both whispered as Klaus stood in the doorway. His face was a mask of anger, as he glared at us.

“WHAT. DID. YOU. DO!?!?” he bellowed at us, causing the glass to wiggle in the windows. I shrank back, and Kol looked taken aback. We both remained silent.

“ANSWER ME!!!” Klaus yelled. I glanced at Kol, who began to speak.

“We couldn't let you raise Silas, so we killed the vampires meant for Jeremy.” he said, shrugging his shoulders, trying to act unaffected. Klaus rushed to us and grabbed Kol by his shirt, lifting him off the bed.

“I should dagger you for this!” Klaus screamed in Kols' face.

“No.” I gasped, crawling over to Klaus and grabbing his arm.

“NO!” I said, more strongly this time. Klaus snapped his head to look at me, giving me a death glare. He dropped Kol to the ground. Kol, being smart for a change, got up and rushed out of the room. I soon heard the door slam as he left the house.

“AND YOU!” Klaus said, and I turned my attention back to him. He was glaring at me with pure rage and betrayal in his eyes. I was afraid, but kept a blank face and met his glare, fronting like I wasn't scared, when I really was.

“What about me?” I asked, and was proud when my voice didn't shake. He remained glaring.

“You are supposed to stand by my side, support me. That is what true love is about.” he said, not yelling, but still very loudly. I briefly wondered where his other two siblings were, but banished those thoughts quickly – I needed to focus on our argument.

I felt myself getting angry.

“True love? TRUE LOVE!? YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT TRUE LOVE?!?” I shouted, getting off the bed, and walking up to him. He didn't flinch and his eyes stayed hard, not showing any emotion other than anger.

“YOU SNAPPED MY NECK!! BECAUSE I DIDN'T AGREE WITH YOU!!” I yelled. He flinched a little, but didn't waver, and made no move to respond, so I continued.

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