Chapter 2

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-Elena’s POV-

I was walking down Main Street, thinking about how all the Mikealsons are back alive, and what we were going to do about all of it, and how to get Stefan back to normal, when suddenly I’m being thrown into an alley, and held to a wall by my neck. In front of me stood a girl with raven black hair and piercing blue eyes. 'Vampire,' I thought to myself as I tried to struggle out of her hold, and tried to breath at the same time.

“You have some nerve showing up here, Katherine, especially now! Why can’t you at least have some respect, and allow me to mourn my family in peace.” she yelled at me. Who was this girl, and how does she know Katherine. Who is the family she wishes to mourn? And why did she look so familiar? I don’t remember ever seeing her…

“I’m not Katherine.” I struggled to say as she continued to crush my throat. This was starting to get really uncomfortable, and my eyesight was starting to go black from the lack of air entering my lungs.

“What…?” she started to say, before she was thrown off of me. I fell to the ground, and looked to see Stefan standing in front of me. He grabbed me, and ran to the boarding house. As we left, I looked back to see the girl slowly get to her feet. Who was she?

-Elizabeth’s POV-

I walked over to the two gravestones. One read Stefan Salvatore, the other Damon Salvatore. I had just come from our fathers grave. These were the two I was dreading, because they were the ones that always made me cry, and my humanity always managed to come back on, for just a few seconds.

I looked at the graves, and sure enough, tears started to come, and I could feel that switch trying to flip. I let it fro the time being. I would switch it off when I left the cemetery.

I had decided to stay in town for awhile - try to figure out what that girl meant when she said that she wasn’t Katherine. I mean, she had to be. There was no way she wasn’t. Something fishy was going on here, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

I always did have a lot of curiosity. Must have got that from Damon, I though as I looked at his grave.

Just like everything else. I could pass as his twin sister, even though I was several years younger than him. I was the youngest of my siblings. I was a year younger than Stefan, 16 when I had turned. My mother had died giving birth to me, which explained why my father had hated me so much. Damon had always been there to protect me. I sometimes had wished he had been there to protect me when I got myself into trouble, but that was a silly wish to make. I would never wish my life upon someone else, especially not my sweet older brothers. I remember when they died.


I ran after them. “Stefan! Damon! Please stop!”

They turned around to look at me. “Lizzie, we have to save her.” Stefan said.

“No, you do not. She is a monster.” I cried. The tears flowed down my face “Not only is she a vampire, but she has broken our family apart. You two used to be the best of friends, and we all used to be so close. Since she has come, all you two do is fight, and that is when you talk to each other at all. We never spend any time together. All you worry about is HER!” I yelled.

“Lizzie, I LOVE HER! And as much as I love you, I need to save her!” Damon said, not looking in my eyes. My heart broke. He cared for her more than he did for me. 

“Fine. Do as you want.” I whispered, turning away.

“Lizzie…” Damon called, but I kept walking. That's when the gunfire rang out. I turned to see Damon fall to the ground.

“DAMON!!” I yelled and started to run over. That is when a second shot rang out and Stefan fell to the ground. “STEFAN!!” I picked up my skirts and flew. An arm grabbed me, and I was turned around and slapped.

“Stay away from them. They made their choice to side with the monsters. Let them die with them.” Father said, holding a gun.

“You…you killed them.” I stuttered. “Your own flesh and blood.” 

“They choice them over us, Elizabeth.” he said, glaring at me. “They deserved to die with those they chose.”

“You’re the monster.” I screeched, trying to break free of his iron hold. His eyes darken, and his grip tightened as he dragged me away from my dying brothers.

“NO!! LET ME GO!!” I screamed, struggling. He ignored me, continuing to drag me away.

“I’m sorry, I love you both. More than there are stars in the sky. Be at peace.” I whispered to my brothers bodies, as I continued to be dragged away.

*End Flashback*

A/N: So, what do you think so far? Should I continue? Let me know. I have more chapters ready to go, I you want more…

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